Hi, I would like to know opinions about Sochi Response works well in YYF?
The correct Size for YoYo of 19mm pad is Sochi Normal Blue?
Hi, I would like to know opinions about Sochi Response works well in YYF?
The correct Size for YoYo of 19mm pad is Sochi Normal Blue?
Is it okay if I ask people’s thoughts on their string in this thread as well?
Fats Vs. Normal
And how do they compare to kitty fats?
Dont see why not, fat is a common size and yyf response works perfect on fat strings
I just grabbed some pads and string. Haven’t had the chance to use the pads yet, but I do like the string. I’m typically a Kitty (normal) user. I grabbed the Sochi normal to try and it has a little bit thicker feel to it, it plays very similar to Kitty normal. The plus that I can see is, it lasts a little longer than Kitty, not a crazy amount of more play but a noticeable difference.
I forgot to mention, Sochi strings are a few inches longer than Kitty strings.
Thanks for your thoughts @Rbacon50
Sochi pads WILL work in YYF yoyos. The response pads are both the same diameter (19mm), but they are two different thicknesses. One is thicker for higher response, and one is thinner for lower response. From there it’s all preference.
ok, but I’m thinking buying yoyoexpert String 100% poly and slick 6 for my looping yoyo
Slightly thicker than kitty, so Sochi normal is more like kitty fat in thickness, fat is more like kitty XL, etc.
In terms of play, it’s just good bulk poly. Cheaper than kitty though
I needed to know that, now I can buy safe, thanks
I really like their pink response pads. They’re nice and grippy, which I prefer. Haven’t tried their blues yet.
As for their string, I haven’t gotten to trying their standard formulas yet but I’m using their experimental blend and it’s solid bulk poly. IMO better than Knot Bad, which is similar in cost.
Thanks for your opinions, I just need to decide the string, Kitty is very expensive for the USD $ exchange rate.