Oh my goodness @codinghorror, you’re all over the place with this. My brain hurts.
People have preferences. That’s pretty much it.
Why haven’t nylon strings dominated the current market? Who knows, I’m pretty sure you’re the only one who cares. Old habits die hard I guess. Just play with yoyos.
Playing with yoyos brings me happiness, this conversation [debate?] about strings is not fun for me. There are thousands of things to take a stand for, there are thousands of hills to die on. You can have this hill as far as I’m concerned, just take it. Everyone should play with poly strings, nylon sucks and people who use it are crazy. People who sell nylon strings are even crazier because it sucks and is inferior because if it were superior it would have dominated the market by now. Why is it so expensive anyway? What are they trying to charge for their labor or something? I’m going to throw all of my handmade nylon strings in the trash, and my whole string making rig to. What was I thinking?! I’m going to buy Kitty and OD bulk strings because that’s what all the pros use anyway. Because I want to be a pro just like them when I grow up. Why would I even think about doing something that isn’t popular? You are so correct about all of your opinions, in fact your opinions should become yoyo law. Enforced by yoyo police. Hey, could I be a yoyo Sheriff? I’d make a good one, trust me, I love justice. I would make sure that anyone who owns yoyo would have a properly lubed and strung yoyo. Can’t believe all these rebellious yoyo kids thinking they can do what they want, like yoyos are some kind of toys or something. Pfffft. MAKE YOYO GREAT AGAIN!
Cool, can we stop talking about this now that I’ve made a fool of myself? Is that what you wanted? I’ve tried reasoning with you very politely, and this seems to be what you want.