So apparently Eric Koloski brought 4 different yoyos onto stage

We: bicker and argue for two weeks
Garrett: goes right to the sources
thanks name brother, I like your style :wink:

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I agree, and the casual answer makes it even better.

That totally sounds like Eric.

What? Thatā€™s it??
5 pages of posts and itā€™s diffused in one simple question?

ā€œSome yoyos arenā€™t competition throws!ā€
ā€œItā€™s the player not the yoyo!ā€
ā€œThe Regen is not competition worthy!ā€

What happened to you guys! So disappointingā€¦

Itā€™s the internets. Everyoneā€™s got an opinionā€¦ :wink:

Not really how I saw the thread. Didnā€™t see a whole lot of petty bickering per seā€¦ and it wasnā€™t all speculation about Eric. The original question was about Eric, but then a tangentially-related conversation full of opinions followed.

All seems pretty normal and fine to me. Especiallyā€“as jhb points outā€“for the internet.

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All petty accusations of immaturity (because of a differing opinion on competition yoyos) were deleted. The ensuing flame war was also deleted. Since that things havenā€™t been made overtly personal.

Ah, misinterpretations of my post.
I like the back and forth. I was trying to be funny. Didnā€™t work. Such is the ramifications of the written word vs. the spoken word. Iā€™m a pretty sarcastic bloke, but Iā€™ll try and make it more obvious in the future.

are you being sarcastic?


Yeah he told me he liked the nylon string more than he thought hoe would

Awwwww Sheeeeeeiiiiiizzzzz just got personal. Here in Detroitā€¦playa be trippin ready to scrap a bā€¦demz fightin wordsā€¦ :o :stuck_out_tongue:

You knowā€¦ Eric is now on the forumsā€¦ He would probably tell youā€¦ Or just laugh at the site of this threadā€¦ :smiley:

maybe eric posted in this thread and the mods deleted his post for no reason?

We never do anything ā€œfor no reasonā€.

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nope i didntā€¦yetā€¦lol

and to answer the original post, i think i am the first sponsored player in the Histories of Competition Yo-Yos to bring up 4 different models for Single A Yo-Yos Freestyle!!! ^0^/

Most of the Professionals tend to stick with One Model which is a very smart thing to do, but i personally like to mix it up and have a variety of throws to play with! (BC I LUV DEM ALLLLLL <3)


So, what were the four yoyos again? TooHot and a Regen for sure, but the other two are a mystery to me.

@nolangherity now he has :slight_smile:

eric- what is the transclusant yoyo ?