Snow tires, just a quick question

Just a quick question.

I want to take the snow tires out of my peak 2. Can they be re-used after they’ve been removed or does it destroy them in the process?


Well, I guess snow tires are quite similar to other pads.

I basically took my red pads from my Marco and then I put it back on so that I could readjust it.

Nothing bad happened, at least that’s what I think.


It depends. Sometimes when you remove pads the thin layer of tape underneath will stay in the yo-yo, so the pads will no longer stick. Sometimes you’ll pull them out with the tape and it’s just not as adhesive as before. Sometimes you can pull them out and reapply them perfectly.

Roll the dice, but have some extra snow tires ready just in case.


Cool, thanks for the advice. I’ll put some in my shopping cart just in case.

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Tryna get that golden Akita are ya?

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Nah man, I don’t think they have them in peak 2 response zones anyway. I want to try painting.

I see

If you’re gonna paint a yo-yo a peak is a good choice! Share some pics when you’re done.


I most definitely will, getting the paints on Monday. I have a couple of designs I want to re create so I’ll have to get a couple more!