Sniffy Conversation Series

I can’t wait to hear them. :wink:

Nice. I can’t wait to do them.
The process will start after feb 8. I need to find a new place to live.
@Sniffyo on twitter

Hi everybody.
I thought I’d give an update.
I’m going to stay with friends for a couple of months so I can take some time to find a good place. The places I found in the short time I had weren’t really places I’d want to stay in very long.

Mack Finley confirmed today that he’s going to join the sniffy conversation series.

Once I get done moving I’ll be starting to set up the conversation series and I expect to start the actual series mid-February, first one will be with paul dang.

I think this will be a fun little experiment. I’m looking forward to it.
@Sniffyo on twitter


Thumbs up!

I like stories.


Me too
@Sniffyo on twitter

Will this be done in parts, like a sort of weekly series where you release one every Sunday or whatever day you choose, or will you do them all and then make a huge compilation?

Either way, this sounds really cool.

The current plan is to do it in parts and release them individually. I’m also going to look into releasing it as a podcast, which would make it so they would all be in one place to download.

That’d be awesome as a podcast.

I agree. It will be pretty cool

I’m really excited for this!!!

Cool. Me too.
@Sniffyo on twitter

Evan from toxic just confirmed he’ll be taking part in the sniffy conversation series

I think it would be cool to hear from Mark McBride, Paul Escolar, and some of the other founders of modern yoyoing.

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I agree 100%. There are quite a few people I still need to contact. Just getting started.

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I think that is really a Superb idea! Just hearing some of those names takes me back about 15 years.

I met so many of these guys over the years and they are still part of the Yoyo Puzzle.

I remember the first time I visited Golden Apple back in 98. I didn’t know squat about yoyos. But after throwing a few, I knew there had to be a way to improve the performance potential of the yoyos available at the time.

I think one of the primary things that inspired me to start modding yoyos was seeing how much the guys were doing with whatever yoyos they had. It was truly incredible. Nobody bothered with words like: vibe, wobble, rim weight, unresponsive, etc. They were waaaay too busy throwing yoyos and having fun.

Guys were doing freestyles with Raiders! A lot of 2 handed demonstrators were throwing wood axle yoyos.

A few characteristics like: enthusiasm and Drive, inspired the Yoyo Machine to roll along.

Their Energy fueled the pace of modern Yoyo technology.

There were so many people that contributed to various aspects of yoing that just kinda passed through and kept going. And at the same time, most of the names you guys have suggested, are people that are Truly Hardcore.

I could run off my own list of Dynamic candidates to add to your Series(Sniffy), but I would be afraid to leave out a single name that is Notable.

The moment I first rolled a yoyo down the string, my life changed.

To anybody that might read this post, stick around.

We aren’t done having fun yet.


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Cool perspective. Feel free to list names. Once I get things up and rolling I’ll definitely be checking this thread for ideas.

Hey there. Any recording geeks: I’ll be looking for a mic, say under $50 to record my voice in the conversations.
Also planning to hold the actual conversation via google voice. If there’s a better alternative that everyone I’m speaking with would have access to, I’m definitely interested in suggestions.
Thanks everybody.
@Sniffyo on twitter

If $50 is your budget, you’re probably best off to just get a headset/mic combo like gamers use. It won’t have the quality of a condenser microphone, but it will make up for it a bit by allowing you to position the microphone in an optimal location near your mouth.

You’d have to double your budget in order to get something like this:

(you’d be well advised to buy a cheap stand for it, too). You have to be more careful about the direction and proximity of your voice, but the results will be worth it.

That said… if you’re not in control of the interviewEE’s equipment, it probably doesn’t matter that much anyhow. Use a gaming/Skyping headset thing. :wink: