SnakeSkin String Review!

I’m back with another string review! Today, the victim is Snake Skin strings! I was sent these to test them out and give feedback, which i love to do ! Lets a go! If you feel that you need a review, contact me! I would be glad to give a review on your product.

Yoyos Used:
Siliconed 5150

First Impressions:
I took a look at the string and the first thing that stood out was the colors, Blood lust, Pink, and Neon green/blue. I’m not big on mixed colors, but it just popped out to me. The strings had a rough feel to them, which i like due to my rough hands. The string was long enough for a 6 feet person(me). Now lets get on with the play of the string!

On a throw:

Lets start off with the main thing many look for in string, tension. After a total of four throws, the tension had to be fixed. Tension wise, i would compare this to the YYE poly. It has slightly worse tension, so it could improve quite a bit.

Now onto the next; binds. The binds felt slippy. The string could be a little thicker. I used a flat bearing with flow-able silicone, but the binds just slipped. Thickness could improve, but for those who like slim string, this is something you should consider.

String Play:
If you don’t have rough hands like i do, this string might rip through/burn your hands. I have rough hands, so this strings glides like normal. Though, it still is a little rough. I went through the whips and slacks i know, and the string could handle them! It wasn’t too whippy or too heavy.

After a few minutes of play, you could see the string start to ware-out a little bit. I used the same string for 3+ hours of play and it did not break. I liked seeing that this string could hold together for that amount of time.

Final thoughts:
The string could improve, as mentioned above, but it is on the right track. The string has some flaws, like the thinness, roughness, and tension, but it still can hold its own. If Matt takes this constructive criticism and improves the string, he will have a beast of a company!

Feedback on the review is always appreciated!