Hi, I was wondering, should I (or would it be a good idea to) shorten the string for an undersized yoyo ?
I started off with fairly short strings (strictly to my belly button, I’m 5.8), then I decided to keep my strings standard length (Highlights and Henrys 100% poly), now I’m getting a smaller yoyo and I was wondering about shortening the strings again for several reasons
it’s my first metal, and I’ll be less likely to hit it on the floor
faster play speed
closer to me
shorter distances between string wraps/fingers to compensate for the smaller size most likely harder to land
It’s not necessary to play a shorter string on a smaller yoyo. I DO find that it smoothens out my play when using one though. Plus it’s fun to play that way becasue everything is mini
I’m personally not a fan of shortening string for anything except looping or giving your yoyo to a little kid. Not sure why… I just feel maybe a little awkward or hindered having a short string since I’ve used long strings for so long. But I would say definitely try it for yourself at least once if you haven’t yet, it’s really just a matter of opinion.
thanks for all the advice, also keep in mind I’m a beginner so I’m not settled on any style of play, string length, yoyo size etc…
I thought about it mostly because I thought it would make it easier for me to do the tricks as the string will be shorter and would compensate for the smaller sized yoyo, well, the same reasons as shown above.
I will then try with a shorter string and keep my plastic yoyos on longer strings
when I will feel confident enough not to slam the yoyo on the floor, I’ll most likely use longer strings again, unless I just feel comfortable using short strings.
Experimentation is key. I play undersized (~50mm diameter) with slightly longer string. It’s just always been more comfortable for me and compliments my preferred playing style - I like to play a bit on the slower side. I did try shortening my strings to strictly belly button height for a little while there. It was fun as a change of pace for a little bit and I can see how people would like it, but I just thought it was too cramped. I’ve now found myself going back to my old ways and keeping the loop an inch or 2 above my belly button. As you mess around with it a little bit, you’ll find yourself falling into your preferences and comfort zone probably quicker than you’d think you would. Just don’t cut the excess string from the end of the loop before you find a comfortable length. You’ll save alot of strings that way (probably goes without saying, but I gotta say it anyway ;))
I’ve experimented yesterday and found the perfect length for me, I’ll probably shorten a little for my yuuksta because it’s slightly longer than what it should be regarding to my height and I don’t want to destroy it on the floor.
I got my yuuksta (plays awesome, instant love for it) and tried the same length I came up with yesterday, turned out perfect, I love it so I’ll stick with this length until I feel like changing, if ever
Didn’t feel like reading the whole thread(or the O.P.'s post for that matter lol)but yes, I always use shorter strings on undersized yoyos than I do on fullsized yoyos.