Small BST (Duncan, rare Yomega, Nintendo)

Every package will be sent with tracking via USPS.

Metallic Missile
Near mint. Stock
15 shipped
By born2curl at 2010-08-15
By born2curl at 2010-08-15
The couple of marks are really hard to see. The rest are lights

Weight rings, Near mint
No response nor caps.
Plays great when set up, and a great canidate to be sili recessed.
10 shipped
By born2curl at 2010-08-15
By born2curl at 2010-08-15

20 shipped for both!

I’ll give you $5.00 for the Tactic. :wink:

I really would like to have it back, but I’m saving for a heavy cream.

I’d trade it straight up for the energy

Deal. The sili is really worn out. We’ll trade at the meet?

I still have to think about it, but I think its pretty much done.
I won’t be at the next meet.

The marks on the red side are scratches. And to anyone looking, they are a little worse than they seem. The mark on the black side was from my dad :smiley:

25 shipped for the gameboy?(the original old school one.)

PM’ed, and of course; Gameboy pending

Its time to split!

If you can beat 30 shipped on that gameboy, its yours.
JD vict, Blue vict, hectic, and other stuff gone.