Brians BST

To start off this BST will be supervised by my father.
His username is COFFELT so if I do not respond right away contacting him is OK.;u=20458

He has advised me on vibe to over state as to keep things on the up and up.
So we are over critical (keep this in mind most would not mind what we are calling a subtle vibe).

When selling add $5.25 shipping.
PayPal only.
United States only.

Today at 11:53 PM

SPYY Spyder 100% MINT w/ box $70

WILL INCLUDE FREE C3 Token mint half purple half green if paying full price for either remaing throw…

Side Effects (Disks, Stunt pegs, Ultra lights, etc.)


Thanks I only deal with the United States (maybe Canada).

What do you want for the dife yo

FIXED Please try not to post in the threads of others…

Hey pal I’m looking for an AC but your picture is something else. Can I see it?