Slimehand Zero V2 Final Photos added

Just thought I would share my first run on a paint test. Thinking on the final run having purple splash behind the green splash. This was just a half that got gouged when the clamp slipped during the recess job. Sending the other 2 out to get recessed correctly.

Thanks to minusmike for letting me pick his brain ;D

My Test Subject

Now for Slimer the final product:

Dual Recess done by YoyoSpirit on these boards:

That is fantastic.

I like how clean and crisp the paint all looks and having painting yoyos before I know that it takes time and it looks a lot better in person. C=

My first paint job and it took me forever and still had mistakes. XD

Thanks. Just sent off my other 2 for recessing so when they get back… paint time. Might even get a couple more next month to paint up.

where do you guys get the clear freehand zeros? cause I’ve been wanting to do this for a while but I can’t find any clear ones :confused:

Google them. G has the shopping tab (like when you search for images). Pop in “Clear Duncan Free Hand Zero” then you can sort by price low to high. There is a online Christian Bookstore I found that had them.

I got my final version done. Pics up in the first post. ;D

Tuned it before throwing the caps on. Plays nice and unresponsive.

Looks really good!

Thanks. Looks much better in person. Blasting it with the off camera flash does not show the true black in it. Oh well.

Digging it. C=

I like it. It’s got a lot going for it.

The contrast with the bright green against the black background works amazingly well. It’s not really a surprise, but it does look nice. Even with the purple in there, the purple provides some extra tones.

I also like how instead of really doing a splash, it almost looks like it’s running out from the center, which is cool. It’s such a shame that this will be hidden inside the yoyo. I do like how you pulled it out far enough so it can be seen. This is definitely a paint job that is meant to have the yoyo taken apart to be appreciated fully. The “streak” make you want to look all the way down into it.

Coming to the cap, it very nicely complements the cap as well.

Plus, it appears you made it compatible with silicone and schmoove rings were added too.

I’m for the most part trying to avoid dark yoyos, but that would be something I’d buy.

Thanks all. This was a fun little project to do.