"Slim Pad" Size 19mm OD vs YYF 19mm assortment

I should probably know this at my stage :frowning:

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I use them interchangeably but if we were to measure I think the OD are ever so slightly thicker.


That’s what I thought. The OD have a reputation for playing like flowable, which is a good thing.

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OD’s 19mm slim pads are actually thinner than other 19mm slim pads, by about .2mm IIRC. I like them because it makes the response slightly recessed. I usually use recessed silicone, but I like to have OD 19mm slim pads on hand for quick replacements when I need.


@Xanadu did some common pad size thickness measurements on this topic

One Drop slim pads: ~0.9 mm
CBC/YYF pads: ~1.1 mm
MYY pads: ~1.1 mm
Ilinx mousepads: ~1.0 mm
One Drop flow groove pad: ~1.8 mm


Hold the phone on this, I have a new simple mod for OD pads and I’m going to post a tutorial in the next few days as I just got on vacation. :slight_smile:


Alright, here is the post: Simple mod for OD flow groove pads to cut them to “standard” 1.1mm thickness

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I really like the OD slim pads and want to use them exclusively. I like that they are clear too.

I really thought they were thicker but that was more from feel. I use them in my YYF Butter.

How did you measure @Xanadu ?? I work in metrology and have many instruments at my disposal. I’m going to measure with confocal distance sensor to get the real skinny.

Either way, I love them.