Slade Riggs hair

Slade, you should cut your hair and make yoyo strings out of it.

I would buy it

I… I don’t even…


Well we all know Elephark’s beard string is the future.


Elephark’s beard mixed with Slade’s hair

Mixed with a single strand of Unicorn hair.
The ultimate yoyo string.

you guys are weird.

I’m okay with this.

This is good.

Real good.

Ok slade and elephark, what do you guys have to say about this?

They’re working on the blend right now.

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Ah, I see.

Well I’ll be waiting.


This will be awesome. :wink:

Yes everyone needs Yoyo string out of hair!

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I missed something. What does his hair look like?

It’s reallyyy long

It will be slicker than poly

5.00 a string and up.