skyline VS superstar VS 888x

Well I have decided to buy a yoyo over 100 dollars. First of all, when I saw the 888’s video on yoyoexpert I was stunned by its play. In the next few months the skyline came out which looked amazing. Recently the superstar became a candidate simply because John Ando used it to win the 2008 World Yoyo Contest. With three choices and only 120$ to spend I’m confused as to which one would be “more” worth the buck. Any recommendations?

Personally, I like the SuperStar by WAY far, but some people don’t.

If you want a big, H-Shaped yoyo, get the SuperStar.

If you want a small, H-Shaped yoyo, get the Skyline

If you want a small, round yoyo, get the 888.

And just to add a choice, if you want a big, round yoyo, get a DNA.

1A Right? ;D, IMO 888. (You need it or you want it???)

Well first of all you shouldn’t buy something just because someone used it to win a contest. John Ando probably could have done it with a recessed fhz if he really wanted to. What you should do is get all the yoyos you have together and find traits they all have in common and find a metal yoyo with those traits. Or you could get something totally opposite of what you already have, you might find that you like it better than the yoyos you already have. If you mostly have large heavy yoyos you would like the superstar, if you have alot of small lighter (I consider less than 64g or 65g to be light) yoyos you would like a skyline. If you have a mix of large, heavy, small, and light yoyos you would like the 888. Personally I would get a superstar (mainly because I have a skyline and 888) because it’s the most versatile of the 3.

Thanks for all your posts, I might look into the superstar more.

There is a great skyline review, it has persuaded me and many others to buy a Skyline:

Ya, I think I read that one, too. So no one really likes the 888x?

i love mine, i think its better than the other versions that were made in the us

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i love my 888x. It’s my best throw.
Make sure your choosing the superstar not because all these guys said they had it.

Thanks for all your suggestions. By the way, the poll will be locked by the end of January but the you still can post if you want to.

888 really good!!!