Skrillex on cover of March 2012 Electronic Musician Magazine

A little background history:

Once there were two magazines. EQ and Electronic Musician. EQ was more geared towards studio recording and audio engineering, where as Electronic Musician was more oriented towards musicians. As the technology continued to merge and collapse down more and more into a more common platform, the need for two magazines really kind of diminished. Sometime in 2011, some genius decided to collapse EQ into Electronic Musician. It’s a decision I felt was over-due and I’m glad to have seen it happened. Really, the problem was there was so much overlap, it just didn’t make sense to dedicate two magazines worth of stuff a month. For only a few more pages a month, the new Electronic Musician does satisfy the needs of both groups. While the engineer oriented stuff is not as much, it had been on the decline anyways. It’s still adequately represented. If I need more, I get MIX magazine and Live Sound International. I get Electronic Musician, Mix and Live Sound Int for free.

OK, so March 2012, on the cover is Skrillex. Yeah, he looks pretty much like I envisioned him. There’s also a typical length article on the guy. A lot of what he’s doing is stuff I was doing in 1989, as far as production methods are concerned. Of course, the equipment changed a lot. This isn’t a “me vs. him” thing. It’s interesting to see that the same stuff I did back then is still being used now. It’s an interesting read, although I don’t think many of you will care for it.

Check it out if you want to. I know a lot of you throw to his music. His music is not something that interests or excites me. But, I felt it was important that you were informed that the information is out there should you wish to check it out.

Keep throwing. And don’t worry about what other people think about the music you like. I am not a Skrillex fan. If you are, then DO enjoy Skirllex as much as you want to. If you bring me Skrillex tracks to play at a competition, I will gladly play it for you.

This won’t add anything to this conversation, but I always find it funny that Skrillex is only 5’ 4’’

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I just received my issue too. I’m looking forward to checking it out.

Great mag!

Skrillex is tiny.