Show Off Your YoyoExpert Edition Throws!!

I forgot to ask Chuck if he picked up this YYE Edition Yoyofactory 2.0 at CalStates. Looks like it was at the YYE booth. :-\ We’ll find out when Chuck checks in next… :wink:

NO! Like a dummy! I had it in my hand, and then I saw the YYE Yelets and then forgot ALL about this!!!
I am confused now… I got this today, it purports to be a YYE Edition Code1…(whatever it is, it is a MONSTER, it plays so great!) and this is not mine, this is stolen from the interwebz, mine has a couple of nicks…But, The only other one I have seen is the pic you posted several months ago, and yours is silver, right?
This does two things, if they did this YYE colorway earlier than our “official, but not as good as the second cooler Cascade” then it matches that one as a set of two… So that makes the catsup and mustard one cooler…right? This one is gold, not that Grey Poupon mustard color, MUCH cooler…haha, Andre doesn’t internalize these kinds of things,(what with having a life and being so busy) so it might not do any good to ask him, but we better try. :slight_smile:

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AND, YYE is going to sell that Cal States Edition that was left over , from what I saw, somewhere… the other day, so we will be able to get one.

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Well Chuck, I was at work and could not respond properly yesterday. Funny thing about that Code1 you have, with the gold in it. I was doing a Google search and Yahoo search to find all the YoyoExpert Editions that were released. A few of them, including that specific Code1, had gold instead of silver. I’m not sure why this was done, maybe just to produce a certain color while spinning (as there is no gold in the YYE logo), but I agree it is the same as we’ve seen with the YoyoExpert Gold Edition Cascade. While I was searching for images, I found this picture, but thought nothing of it until now. It seems to be an official YoyoExpert Edition Code1. There appears to be a silver and gold YYE Edition Code 1…I have the silver, and you found the gold. I am happy to hear that I didn’t miss out on that YYF 2.0 :wink:

…Oh, and my specific Code1 for reference:
code1yye by The TotalArtist, on Flickr
code1yyeb by The TotalArtist, on Flickr

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We were discussing this, adding these weighty Eternal Victory mini-disc Side effects dramatically improves the performance of my YYE, Deitz, and I think it looks great!!! It is really remarkable how much you can change the characteristics and play with changing out side effects, I am digging my Yelets with chrome spikes in it as well, and that looks cool too.

Hmmm…I think I’d really like that Dietz a bit heavier too. Good idea to switch up the SEs. I got some eye candy for you. Got the new throws yesterday, and took some photos with the new camera:
barracuda by The TotalArtist, on Flickr
barracudab by The TotalArtist, on Flickr
54YYE by The TotalArtist, on Flickr
54YYEb by The TotalArtist, on Flickr

I will show both sides of the Yelets, this is my favorite half:
yeletsyye by The TotalArtist, on Flickr

Other side:
YeletsYYEc by The TotalArtist, on Flickr
Yeletsyyeb by The TotalArtist, on Flickr

Wow, those look great, Totalartist!! You’ve really got your lighting + camera combination dialed in for “product shots”, too. Those look like they should be on a retailer’s site!

Very true… I keep telling TA that if and when she decides to sell any of her throws they will go fast due to the excellent pics!!!

That Yelets looks siiiiick

Yeah…If I am going to contribute photos here, I have to start using my real camera that has been on a shelf for years. My shots will be better, but they will never come close to these… Totalartist… I told you I had the opportunity to look through all of the Yelets and choose the one I wanted… I remember yours!!! I was looking for ones that had the least amount of silver on them, and that one side of yours really caught my eye with the straight line going through the middle and just that one streak across the top… I guess the real dream would have been if I could have started switching out sides, I definitely would have taken that one!!! Awesome. I really can’t say enough good things about the quality of your photography, impeccable!!! (GregP, again, you are no slouch yourself) I will try and step up my game!!!(they all look amazing, and I was right, I LOVE the 54…gonna get two of em’ and start doing 3A) :slight_smile:

I want a YYE edition Yelets now lol

Thanks GregP, I am super happy with my new camera, it does really well with all reds and blues, and I have a lot of red and blue throws, so it’s working great. I’m having a lot of fun with it.

I agree that nice pics step up interest in the BST big time. That, and providing video footage of the throw. :slight_smile:

That is in my top 3 YYE Edition splashes! Way up there…gorgeous.

I have to admit that the side with all the silver caught my eye and I thought Yikes! But, then I caught the fact that it is all silver in the middle except for in the very center where the other colors appear again.  There is something about silver sandwiched between the splash of the rest of it that grew on me for uniqueness.  The other side is totally different but certainly beautiful…  Those splashes in the gap could not be better. I was less impressed with my 54 splash but it’s okay as long as I got one.  I prefer the colors to be relatively equal amounts.

On the photos, I’ve come a long way and started off just trying to catalogue my collection. It turned into something I really enjoy doing.  If you are curious what is getting those results, check out this thread. I learned a lot from the people hanging out in here.  I did it on the cheap too.  The basics are use plenty of natural (even artificially natural) light, and work on a white background. Then, use the photo editing software that comes with your computer to brighten the image if necessary…and you should get great results. A cell phone camera should still work just fine too:

By the way, I finally updated my very first post in this thread, to include newer photos (to be updated shortly). I also posted a list of all YYE Editions (which Chuck suggested long ago), as a reference for those who collect them. I also made note of which ones that are still available on YYE, so we can keep up.  Help me keep the list accurate by posting here.  :wink:

I used the Natural lighting tip and took a really good shot of my werrd hour with freehand zero caps in it that I made today… (and will probably be in there forever) it looks great! ( for me anyway…) I love the updates and the modified list, I do have a couple to add, I will send you some stuff later when I get to a computer… We have both come a long way !! I couldnt wait to assemble all of mine for a photo shoot too. but I should get my barracuda and the other silver code 1 tomorrow, so I will wait til then… can I make a request? I like your new shot as the first element, but can you re-add that pic that was there somewhere else? I really like that shot, and it showed the holder so well!

I agree Chuck, it seems you are on fire lately, collecting. I still have to catch up to you. I can’t wait to see how the photo turned out. The case photo I posted is not updated, it was taken before I got the Barracuda, Yelets and 54. I will update the photo soon though, but it was taken a few weeks ago. I will add that old photo here, the one you mentioned…glad you liked it: