Show Off Your YoyoExpert Edition Throws!!

The collection isn’t going to grow too much from here for a few months…17 “official” YYE Editions, and the ones that fit my collection of red, black and silver/white the most in the top row…

Addendum: D’oh! Forgot to put my EH in there, so I have 18 “official” YYEs…
I am Lacking
Code 1
The new Cascade
The Smooth Move that there is only one of, but is still winnable
If I am not mistaken, between the two of us, Totalartist and I have them all… Except that Smooth Move!

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I have the red, black, and silver Wrath that looks a lot like a YYE edition, but isn’t “official” as far as I know. Pretty sweet throw, though.

Thanks for the compliment, Chuck!

This one? Yes. It is Chuck approved indeed. I have one also ;D
Wrath by The TotalArtist, on Flickr
Wrathb by The TotalArtist, on Flickr

If you think of selling that Code2, we should talk. I have one, but yours looks more mint, mine has a few ano’ flaws. :-\

Chuck, the case looks sweet. I am after the Drop Bear and Galada next, and also looking for that Novus box on the BST. I agree, between the two of us, we have all the YYE Editions except that Smooth Move. Maybe the person who gets it will sell it to us. :-\

@Totalartist: yup, that’s the Wrath in question. The way your ano turned out looks better than mine, IMO.

Regarding the Code 2, you won’t want it. It’s got some dings and scuffs around the rims (which is why I was able to pick it up for a low price on BST). It’s definitely nowhere near mint. But the busy splashes hide it pretty well in a photograph.

Well in any case, those throws sure look good. Token and Code2 look great together. I do the same with pictures. If a yo-yo has some damage, I just show it’s best side, unless it’s a BST photo. :wink:
wuh oh… Look what I got yesterday at the California State Championships… wuh oh… :slight_smile:

^ I am so jealous. They should make more of them. :o Looks great!

It is just a “regular old” YYE Edition, they will be available soon… Gosh, I didn’t think about it, and he didn’t say anything about it being a “secret” but I hope I didn’t spoil a surprise or break some kind of “street date”…oh well, the cat is out of the bag now if I did… sorry! I would have bought it in another color anyway,maybe just to get the red ultra lites… this was a great surprise!

I am ecstatic that the secret it out. But, I won’t tell anyone :-X :smiley: Oh well, we’re both too late. It’s all great for sales anyway Chuck…only bad thing is if I don’t get one of them. This is awesome!! Thanks for spreading the good news…it looks great! I love it.

I have been playing with my new camera, and came up with an entry for the stick it, click it contest on here. I added some of my YoyoExpert Edition collection too. There are like 7 YoyoExpert logos in the picture. The two stickers, one on my Genesis, one on the Eh, One on the Macrocosm, one on the Token, and one on the Dark Magic II.
YYE by The TotalArtist, on Flickr

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I am going shoe shopping! This is incredible!!!

Okay, this YYE Edition Duncan Barracuda is coming soon to YYE. This thing looks SICK! Got to have it.

I know, right? One of the best looking YYE editions ever.

That one reminds me of the Token, because it has the complete look for a YoyoExpert edition. It has the YYE logo, the name “YoyoExpert” and the slogan, “Make the Simple Amazing.” Great job, and it will be my first Duncan YoyoExpert Edition. Don’t get me wrong, some of the YYE Editions make a great impact with the colors alone…like the Avalanche. This is a great look though, and there are supposedly only 15 YYE Edition Barracudas made. I must have one of them.

There seems to be quite a buzz about this one!! I think we better camp out overnight to make sure we get one of these Barracudas!!!

(The 54 is showing 14 in stock now, btw, unless it was you, someone beat us to it… I bet there were only 15 of these too…)

I think there may just be 14, because I was was checking that page regularly to see when the stock would appear. I saw it at 14 first too. There could be someone who beat us to it though, you never know. I bought one today along with the Yelets and Barracuda that dropped today. I was waiting for the Barracuda to get all three at once. So, three YYE Editions are on the way. Here’s the 54 for thread purposes:

I got a Barracuda so I didn’t miss out… haha, I freak out about it so much, hours later there are still 6 of them, I really expected them to last seconds… I think I am most excited about the 54, it reminds me most of the band that shall not be named, which is part of the appeal of this color combination for me…Plus, I have had several 54s, I just keep getting ugly ones, so finally I have one I can bond with totally. GREAT yo-yo, I really think the 54 is my favorite One Drop. We are doing good, can’t wait to see your new throws Totalartist!!!

The Barracuda is a funny bird for me… I love the way it looks, the specs are good, etc etc., but for the asking price (which is a perfectly fair asking price) I just have too many other yoyos I would buy first.

However, this YYE colourway is something that could almost push me over the edge. :slight_smile:

The 54 looks lovely. And I’ve suddenly got a thing for spikes… need spike SE’s for my YYE Edition Code 2 methinks!

That 54 looks just glorious!!! great buys TA. Can’t wait to see the photo’s of them in your new setup!!!

@Chuckshort1… I have to admit that I was also online as soon as possible after 10:00 thinking I might miss the chance to get that Barracuda. I didn’t think they would still be in stock this evening.

@GregP… We were thinking the exact same thing about the Barracuda. I noticed it looked cool, but nothing grabbed me about it, to make me buy it. Making a YoyoExpert Edition, and nice looking one at that, put it at the top of the list.

@mgiroux77…Thank you, I’m excited about having some new photos to take.

I neglected to post a picture of this Yoyofactory H.O.T., which is not an official YoyoExpert Edition, but it is the red, black and white colorway, so we need to show it some attention. It definitely has the color scheme.