Show Off Your YoyoExpert Edition Throws!!

:smiley: It sure did!

YYE Edition Token Pics:

YYE Edition Y Factor Pics:

Wow… Sick Y Factor bestie…

YOU were right Bestie. The pictures don’t do it justice. I got this idea from Chuck, he has a Classic with the halves swapped with red caps, I prefer the look of the black caps and came up with this one. This is what I think a YYJ Classic YYE Edition would look like. Sick with the black string too:

Ohh Snap!!!

The black string really is the magic bullet on these throws. It really sets them off in a way other strings could never do. You are drawing me over to the dark side, next time I place an order black string is definitely on the shopping list.

That’s sick!

I’m telling you Banjo, the black string just looks so “grown up,” and bossy. There’s just not a better way to put it. Honestly, if you suffer through the first day or two, your eyes adjust to it, and then, you will never want to use anything else. That’s what happened to me anyway. I absolutely love it, and it looks great with any colors. Something about the black caps sandwich with the black string in the middle is just the BEST. Love that look! I had to PM Chuck to get him in here for all the excitement :smiley:

And for mgiroux77…you know to swap halves, I had to buy two, which means I have another one just like it. You’ve got dibs if you’re interested haha. We will have to alert YoyoExpert about maybe stamping a YYE logo on those YYJ caps and making it official.

Oh, you certainly made a convert out of me. I just noticed I have a black string on one of the yoyos on my desk here which makes me wonder if I actually have more stashed some wheres.

…and mgiroux77, you’re a lucky duck.

(and I love the guitar jammin’ smiley, he rocks)

YYE should make a tab on the storefront page linking to all available YYE edition throws.

That would be sweet!

I used to think they should do that too… but now… It is half the fun having to go a little deep to look for them, and it is sort of a “competition” to play the “oh my gosh, only four in stock!!! better sell one of my livers” game…

This is not an official YoyoExpert Edition, but it shares the colorway with the others, so I’ll post it up anyway. Deadly Spins Wrath in our colors. It is also Chuck approved :smiley:

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I LOVE that one, a couple of the splashes look like a hand making a “rude gesture” :slight_smile: Is it a little orange-y in “real life”? or is the red pretty red? That one is going to be priority one after the YFactor I think, it looks SO cool!

Hilarious! After you made the point about the “rude gesture,” I picked one out in just a second. It does look exactly like that!! Well…it is called Wrath after all. :smiley:

Chuck’s got some catching up to do…

That is beautiful and I’m supposed to see that none of y’all have the BvM. That has one of the best yye like color ways out there.

I forgot to comment on the Wrath color. It definitely looks like a shade of red, but not a deep brick red, it almost has a pinkish tone to it. Definitely red though, and not orange looking.

Chuck PMed about the Avalanche yoyokid8. You know I had to drop some dough on that one. Got to love the heavy splash. I’ll update when I get it. :slight_smile:

Dr.Awesome, I’d love to see the BVM, I hope someone who has it will post here.

I am trying to explain what size the Token is to someone, so I took this picture to contrast with Familiar things… The one in top right is a DV888 that has been hubstacked, for reference… It is small, but not “novelty” small like a popstar… which I wish I had with me… but I don’t… :slight_smile:
I am not about talking smack about any product, but I had a frame of reference from two people that bought these that thought the response pads stuck up too much from the body and made it too responsive, and that the bearing was not great (unshielded< for one thing) So, I put in a pair of red YYF pads that are made to not be as high as the white ones, and a Konkave bearing, and it was noticeably improved. That does not imply that they are ALL like this, but mine was. I would have changed to a center tracked or grooved bearing anyway, I put them in all my smaller throws… With all that said, I DO like it a lot, it is super cool looking!!! I think the Burnside is what I would consider full size and “normal” yo-yo size, it sure looks gigantic in this sea of smaller ones! I just saw the Avalanche last night… oh, man, that has got to be the first one I get, I think, but I reaaaaallly want the Wrath and the Yfactor too… This is a GOOD problem!!!