May I ask where you got that case? Do they have a 10x10?
Very nice collection you have there. Wow.
I found it through google but it is all sold already🥲
Looks a lot like the shelf I found on Etsy!
It does show as currently sold out, but I’ve heard you can message them for a direct order!
Construction was pretty easy, just add wood glue
Yep same as mine! I bought a last one left…
Here’s the less expensive half of my collection lol. Guess I’ll have to make a massive 8x8 display shelf.
Is that the yoyofactory whip? If so, how do you like it and what is it good for?
Not who you asked, but I have the whip as well. It was my first actual yoyo, so I naturally may have some bias, but it’s actually really good. Not the most stable throw ever, but well worth like 5 bucks. Has a really nice feel in the hand, and spins a long time
Also didn’t ask me but I have a bunch. It’s my give away yo-yo too.
Can’t beat the Whip for $6. You can put a C bearing in it as well. Playing unresponsive it really performs. Go for it.
Thank you so much! I will be buying the whip,
Is it unresponsive or responsive?
comes responsive
Yes. The come responsive. You simply drop a C type bearing in there to make it unresponsive. No axle swap necessary. They zip!!
Can you please tell me what is the white square throw, 3 row down and 4th column fron the left?
looks like a tofu, but I could be wrong.
It’s an Offsetyoyo Tofu. Pretty fun, but very gimmicky. Be careful binding at too high of RPMs, this thing is a knuckle buster
I just bought a Alex Hattori Boost Squared, I didn’t know anyone else made a square throw. Looking forward to trying it out. Thanks for the tip about binding.
Wow! And I thought my silver Sliver looked nice; that one is stunning!