Show Off your Deadly Spins YoYos.

Greed should be good.

Did some preliminary experiments. I donā€™t have any nickel to plate with, but I managed to get a decent copper plating on a nickel (lol). Iā€™d love to copper plate a yoyo.

But not to threadjackā€¦

Anyone who doesnā€™t have a Wrath is reeeeeally missing out.

Btw Joey, are there going to be ā€˜Cupidā€™s Vengeanceā€™ (thatā€™s what I like to call that colorway, anyways) Prides in the production run? Itā€™s a sweet color combo that shouldnā€™t be limited to just the prepro(s).

The colorway on the first proto will not be on the production run and wont be reproduced on any DS throws as far as Iā€™m aware. The owners actually arenā€™t fond of the colorway haha but I think it looks pretty cool!

Aww darn. Thanks though. The sig colorways look just as neat!

I think I posted this somewhere else, but what the heck, Iā€™ll put it here as well since it would seem the appropriate place to post it.

Wrath twins pic:
WrathTwins by The TotalArtist, on Flickr

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They BOTH look awesome!!! :ā€™( :ā€™(

Purple/green misses you too, but has a chip on itā€™s shoulder that you sold it back to me. It misses the yellow string sometimes. :cry: But, on the bright side, it has a twin Wrath for company. It found love, and is living a full life. ;D

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That purple wrath told me that its sad because it likes to travel and meet new peopleā€¦:wink:

HEHE The lives and times of our poor throws!!! HEHE I bet there are yoyoā€™s all over the USA that canā€™t stand me right now!!!

I love my sponsor! 6061 Pride and Black Greed Proto!


Will be posting my DS Collection when a special yoyo comes to my door :slight_smile:

Gosh that greed looks tremendous. Whoever does your ano really knows how to good a nice deep black.

Just got one I the 6061 prides, oh boy does this thing play so well! So nimble and agile! Itā€™s a player for sure! I canā€™t wait til they release to be able to pick another one up.

My DS Collection :slight_smile:

Damn! Thatā€™s a nice collection! Probably the only bigger one would be Dans Iā€™m assuming. Those wraths are especially nice!

gahhhhhhh, dat speckle wrath man. Still so jealous, nicest looking throw ever.

Joey, do you know how many of those purple Wraths were made? Itā€™s such a great colorwayā€“one of the best Iā€™ve ever seen!


2 were sold on YYE

If you mean the multi color speckle wrath there are only 1 of 5. If you mean the purple with green speckle there are 1 of 10.

Totally overlooked that there were two purple Wraths. I was talking about the green speckle. Itā€™s so awesome! Whoever does Deadly Spinsā€™ anodization really does great speckle!