Show off your CLYW yoyos.

Northern Michigan in the fall :slight_smile:

EDIT: And I just realized that I left out my other Ava -_-

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I counter with South Eastern Michigan Countryside in Fall

Only been throwing for a year and a quarter so my CLYW collection is small but I love every one I have.

Baby it donā€™t matter what part of Michigan youā€™re in, itā€™s all beautiful.

Where are you at in northern Michigan, I am heading up to Newaygo this weekend for a fishing trip. Canā€™t wait that lake is so beautiful. I think it might have been the first place I had seen a bald eagle in the wild.

Iā€™m a little further north than Newaygo. I live in Cadillac and go to school in Traverse City.

Cool thatā€™s a little drive to school then. One of my long time friends lives in Bear Lake so I go there quite a bit. I love it up north but I also love living within 15 minutes of Ann Arbor. Do you hit Crystal Mountain in the winter alot.

No but Iā€™m learning to snowboard this year so hopefully Iā€™ll be there a lot in future winters!

I hope you become as absolutely addicted to snowboarding as I am. It has to be one of the most excellent ways to spend a day in the snow. It will be hard to decide whether to spend your money on YoYoā€™s, or snowboarding gear and lift tickets. Oh the dilemma !!! ;D

Iā€™m trying to design a few YoYo tricks I can do while Iā€™m boarding. Itā€™s not near as easy as you might think.

I also apologize for hijacking the threadā€¦

Haha thatā€™s exactly what Iā€™m worried about. Iā€™m planning on moving next year for school and my living arrangements are looking like theyā€™ll cost me quite a pretty penny. Not too excited on the thought of blowing a ton of cash on snowboarding equipment ;D But Iā€™ve got a couple friends who work at the ski resort so hopefully theyā€™ll hook me with lift tickets at least.

Is that a pic of you? Itā€™s a pretty sweet shot!

That would be me alright, Iā€™m going to work at getting some shots of me doing a few YoYo tricks this year while on the slopes. Itā€™s difficult to split your attention between throwing and boarding, and usually results in a face plant. :o

Oh man tried throwing and snowboardingā€¦ not so funā€¦ I landed on my Ava on hard packed snow and had an Ava- rim shaped bruise on my leg for like a month. I love snowboarding though, but donā€™t do it as much as Iā€™d like. Too many wrist injuries lol. Canā€™t risk not being able to throw.

Iā€™ve got K2 Darkstar w/ K2 Formula bindings and DC Mtn. Lab boots if anyone is interested. Theyā€™ve just been sittin.
DSC03740 by kulazndoode, on Flickr
DSC03748 by kulazndoode, on Flickr

Camp Caribou Chief.
Itā€™s so stunning in person.
28 Stories Puffin by kulazndoode, on Flickr
28 Stories Puffin Spinning Shot by kulazndoode, on Flickr

How are you liking the Yeti?

Oh I love the Yetiā€¦ I had a black one for a few months back in the summerā€¦ The colored ones are sooo much betterā€¦ Very smooth and VERY fun!!!

Hmmmā€¦youā€™re the second person Iā€™ve heard say that. Whatā€™s the major differences? Besides the colored ones having been sanded.

It is a different blend of the plastic. It just feels better. Smoother too. It is hard to sayā€¦ I LOVED the black oneā€¦