Show me your first yoyo

Absolute first? Fast201.


Shinwoo Phantom back in 2012


I got this Hyper Imperial around '96-'97.


Here are my first three.

I remember exactly where I was when I got each of these.

Duncan Imperial - a few of my middle school buddies had Duncans. After begging my parents for a yoyo we made a special trip to Toys R Us to get this one. I remember them commenting on the price…"$4 dollars for a yoyo!!!? "
Yomega Brain- On a family vacation in North Carolina we were right next the Kitty Hawk Kites store. They had an entire yo-yo section with yomega’s/tom kuhn/henry’s/bc’s…you name it. The salesman, Tom, let me try out the Yomega brain. WOW, now I’m hooked. I remember my parents commenting … “15 Dollars for a yoyo!!!???”
Yomega Raider - We just went to a Uconn womens basketball game (only game I’ve ever been to). On the way out we stopped at the Uconn Co-op store. They had tons of basketball/football and other random sports swag…and also…on the shelf…was a Yomega Raider! (I had been drooling over this one for some time). Roller bearing? heck yea! I remember my parents commenting…“$26 dollars for a yoyo???” :exploding_head:
Thanks again mom and dad for the support! (and hanging onto my old toys)

It’s funny, I still have the Kitty Hawk catalog from the 1990’s. Spent alot of time dreaming of that SB2. :blush:


I’m certain I went to the same Kitty Hawk store during a field trip to the Outer Banks. The late 90s was great for yoyos; every store carried them to some extent. I bought my SuperYo Renegade at a sports store.

You spent how much on that???

It really was crazy. They were everywhere. There’s a small college in the little town I grew up in, and I bought my Turbo Bumble Bee GT from the bookstore there.


Spirit Bomb all day long, then go home to my virtual boy