Some friends told me I should be uploading some tricks somewhere. I record a ton of stuff and dump tricks into discord daily, but they just kinda get buried and they aren’t public. So I’m going to start uploading trick compilation videos to youtube as a way to archive tricks for my own memory and let other people see what I’m up to (if anybody cares).
Here’s some tricks from the past three weeks.
Basically no editing, just tricks. I hope at least one trick in this is cool to you
I tried my hand at making a more edited and creative video. I threw this together this afternoon. I’ve got a lot to learn and improve on, but trying to make something and failing is better than doing nothing at all.
All 5A, I’m starting to feel a lot happier with my tricks. I’ve got some new stuff too that wasn’t included in here because at this point I feel like I’ve got the skill level to where if I just really figure out some nice combos, I can practice them to solid execution and make a great video of just 60-90 seconds of real tricks. No filler of repeats or wasted time on extra throws/binds.
I did just cut my string down to 80cm this past week though, so it’ll maybe be interesting to see where that drives my tricks going forward. I’m just hoping for increased consistency so I can comfortably go for longer combos filled with harder tricks.