Sexism in the Yoyo Community

Most of the youtube comments (not all but most) are not even yoyo players that leave disrespectful comments. But who is to say some of women do not enjoy being the envy of many guys and some women are not offended to comments like “nice boobs” and “I’d tap that” and dumb things like that. Being outright sexist is of course not acceptable but assuming each of the comments you find offensive offend the person is sort of presumptuous. I do agree with most of what you say and people should watch what they say in comments since most of the ones I bet you are referring too are outright cruel or just unacceptable but hey thats freedom of speech and they have the right to say whatever they think even if we do not agree with it. :frowning:

Com’on, YouTube? Seriously? Did you actually expect anything mature to come out of the YouTube Comments Section?

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So you’re saying is I should just leave it alone if it comes from YouTube? Should I just leave it alone when there are pathetic fools who treat women [regardless of hobby/community/whatever] like that?

Yes, it happens everyday because that’s what our minds are conditioned to do whether we’re aware of it or not. We absorb whatever we experience, and whenever we see those disgusting things at places like YouTube and stuff, we tend to copy them.

And what? Just because I see these injustices happen everyday, it somewhat makes it tolerable and in a way, “right”? Does it surprise me? Of course not. But can I contribute something to reduce the injustices, even at negligible levels? Yes.

Just because it happens almost on the daily doesn’t mean I can ignore it.
That’s avoiding the problem, not facing and fighting for it.


eeeevery body knows that YouTube comments section is the most ghetto places on the internet. Even worse than 4Chan. I doubt anybody sensible would actually take YouTube comments seriously, let alone thinking it representative of the population.

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How you act in one place is how you always act…And even if you don’t, Acting dumb in one place still makes people think you’re always like that, because 97% of the time, it is. I’m sorry, but People don’t magically change one site to the next…It’s just how people are. And either way, it doesn’t excuse the actions. So do not try to justify them…It makes you look bad, trust me.

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Who is justifying the behavior? I seem to have missed that here…

I’m merely pointing out the absurdities of generalizing your observations on a biased sample size to the population as a whole, and feeling like there is such great injustice like you’ve never seen before.

Try getting off the internet and take a walk outside, son; the world is much larger and diverse than what you have seen.

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This entire statement is completely wrong, on many levels. People act differently in different circumstances. It’s human nature. It doesn’t necessarily reflect on their true self. Also, the internet allows for complete anonymity, which allows people to “act out” and either show their true colors, or act in a way completely counter to their true self, as a way of release. Some people just act like idiots online because they can, but it’s not how they really are. And nobody is justifying anything. I have no idea where you got that from.

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It still gives a bad first impression, that’s What I’m saying…If you, for example, ShaunC, were to randomly throw a slew of rather Insulting slurs towards me for being Jewish,I would think you were antisemitic and a complete Jerk. See my point? It still looks bad on them, that’s what I am saying. It still doesn’t mean it’s okay to be a jerk on the internet, which was the impression I got from the YouTube comments. That is all. We still can act mature, even with anonymity. Common courtesy is still a good thing to practice.

I hate that too. I’m Korean, and everyone seems to think it’s ok to pick on Asian individuals, but completely racist to pick on anyone of other decent. People say “all Asians look the same” and when they ask where I’m from and I say Korea, they ask if I’m Communist and crap like that. It’s not people like Hiroyuki Suzuki’s fault (not pointing anyone out, just the first player who came to mind where I’ve seen things like that) that he plays fast and wins Worlds multiple times.

I’m guessing those above who are complaining of their mistreatment are in middle school.

No one said it was ok to act like that. You were saying that how people act in one place is how they are all the time, which just isn’t true. And 97% is a made up statistic. Can people act mature with anonymity? Sure. Do they? Many times, no. Maturity tends to come with age, but not always. No one said it was ok, they just said that it’s something that’s going to happen, and not much can change that. the same anonymity that allows people to act a fool also protects them from repercussions, which is unfortunate, but true. Also, many people act in ways that aren’t true to their nature just to get attention or seem cool. It doesn’t mean they’re truly that way.

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I would not call the things said about girl yoyoers “slurs”.

Slur generally means negative…And I realize I did say some things that were not entirely true…But My point still stands…We here may be mature, or at least it seems, but it would be nice if others were too.

Apparently, Brett Grimes and Daniel Ickler didn’t get the memo.


That’s just wrong.

Oh no. They replied “Meow!” to a picture that had a caption of “Meow”! THOSE MONSTERS!


No, they were cat-calling a female yoyo player on Instagram. In this case, Brett was cat-calling a female yoyo player who is less than half his age.

It’s exactly the kind of behavior that we don’t need and shouldn’t tolerate.


I’m looking at the quote, that she posted from Instagram. “Meow”.

I don’t see “cat calling”. I see it as a simple reply. Something that Zammy does often enough. I know Zammy and I’m friends with Zammy. He didn’t mean it as derogatory, or in a sexual manner. He saw the caption “Meow” and replied. I don’t know and can’t speak for Brett, but I could see it being in the same manner of reply that comes with Zammy’s reply.

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it’s kind of creepy. i definitely see things differently as the parent of a girl (and that kind of stuff is certainly why my daughter’s instagram is going to remain private and limited to kids her age that she knows). i’m not saying it’s scar-you-for-life or anything, but i think it’s worth taking a minute to consider how a reply like that (def more brett’s than daniel’s) will be interpreted before commenting, both by the OP and by other younger guys, who might be pretty impressionable. whatever we can do to negate the stereotype that yo-yo playing guys will categorically view yo-yo playing girls in an objectifying way goes a long way toward making our community more diverse and interesting. in the context of so many facebook pics where the comments are generally worse and more numerous, it does come off skeezy to me. in a community like this, where you have such a disproportionate number of dudes and such an enormous age range, we’ve got to be super-extra careful about the message we’re sending.