I have a white YYJ Kickside that I won at my first contest. That one is sticking around.
My half red half blue DMII. First unresponsive yoyo, still love throwing it.
That’s awesome! It looks great too! This is a really good idea for a thread, it’s cool to see the stories behind some of these throws.
My beta pistolero. My wife got it for me for Valentine’s day one year. Also my cascade that she got me for Christmas last year.
Ohh, thats ge catalyst I’ve been seeing at Chico, I go there every Saturday! Does anybody else go there?
I have many that I would never sell or trade for different reasons. I have a Trinity that Andre signed and picked the color of it too. I’d never sell or trade that one. Also, I got a red Model 10 as a gift, and that one is extremely special… so I’d never sell that either. Oh, and for the same reasons, several black/gold DMIIs, because there is a cool story that goes along with them. Besides a few other small gifts, anything “sentimental” ends there really. But, there are a lot I would not trade for non-sentimental reasons.
My OG peak ( I had offers of 2k for it but I can let it go…), Team edition sasquatch and OG Markmont.
I’d absolutely never trade my YYE Edition Burnside. It doesn’t get thrown as much as some of the others in my case, but it was my first high-end. More importantly, my dad was kind enough to go “halves” on it with me when I was skeptical about spending so much money on a yoyo.
My DM2
Almost all of it, because I’ve won almost all of the yoyos in my collection and I’ve made a promise to myself never to sell/trade any of those prizes.
But what stood out the most are the YYJ 24K PHENOMizm and a Fools Gold Hulk Smash Canvas. The PHENOMizm, still had Mickey’s name on it, I won it off the very first giveaway in JD’s store which kicked off the opening of the said store. Being a huge Mickey fan, I just can’t get rid of that.
The Canvas, a friend gave it to me and it’s my first CLYW. Both are amazing yoyos too.
Probably my ONEstar, my first unresponsive, and got it from national yoyo museum
I think I’d have a hard time getting rid of my cascade it was my first “real” yoyo. Then again I don’t get very attached to stuff.
my nationals speeder from my first nationals
These two. Spring edition 888 and Paul Kerbel edition 888.
The spring edition was my very first “modern” yoyo that endured all of my learning, the other I just found appropriate to keep because my fiancee is Mexican. The plan is to pass them both down to my kids
That Hometown Hero one is now painted white, and last I heard, is in Kazakhstan.
Definitely my Green Sparkle Aquarius. Got it from John Narum, possibly my favorite 4a player of all time. I don’t do much 4a but it would be very very difficult to get off me.