Sengoku Nobunaga owners. Is it just me? Or does the Nobunaga seem to be extremely easy to play with in terms of performing tricks and binding? I don’t know if it’s the slight under-size yet can fall into the mid-size category that gives it that magic?
I played with my Shutter and my Space Cowboy and other yoyo’s, and it doesn’t seem to click as good as the Nobunaga. For example, I use my Shutter as my main learning yoyo and as my beater yoyo where I play on concrete as well. It took me awhile to learn the first part of Black Hops. I can do the first variant of Black Hops on my Shutter now that I learned it. However when I try to do Black Hops or Eli Hops or anything else, it seems as if my Nobunaga allows me to perform the trick easier. I sometimes mess up on 1st variation of Black Hops on my other yoyos, same with Nobunaga even. But with Nobunaga, I mess up significantly less.
Could it be some sort of psychological mind game that I am playing upon myself, or does anybody else with a Sengoku Nobunaga feel the same way?