Sending more than two replies in a row

Please enable members to make more than 2 posts in a row. There are certain threads where this might legitimately happen such as the thread

I have more I would like to share there but can’t make another post until someone else does.

I realise I can edit an older post, but that does not make it appear as an unread topic.

It would be great if this limitation is lifted.


It does, if it’s the last post in the topic though!


Ha. This has happened to me in the 5A May thread.


My mistake, I didn’t realise that.


I feel like on specific threads it would be nice to have this disabled. I.e. the "Amateur Photography Thread. "
I would prefer to have each photo be its own post instead of editing my most recent and just piling on photos into a single post.


As long as someone else has replied that is possible. Also if you are the topic creator the 2 sequential reply limit does not apply to you, hint hint


This makes perfect sense. Why wouldn’t this be implemented immediately?


Does it? Who does multiple sequential replies by the same person serve, ultimately? The reader? The conversation? I would say it serves neither of those.

However, if it is your topic, as the topic creator, it makes perfect sense that you’d be able to reply as many times as you liked, without waiting for any other “conversation” to happen.


Yes, it does. That particular thread is mainly people posting pictures. It’s much easier to add pictures to a new post than edit an existing. There isn’t a single logical reason that it’s ok for the person that started the thread to have the ability but no one else. But as I’ve said before… I already know how this argument ends. With the person that has the ability to make the change not making it.


So it is

  • impossible for people to edit their last post and add more pics if they really need to? (This also bumps the topic, like any last post edit.)

  • not desirable for anyone except one person to post pics over and over without interruption?

  • not desirable to have one post with 5 pics, rather than 5 posts of a single pic each?

Also note the title of this topic. It’s good to be the topic owner :crown: so why not get out there and create topics?


It is also interesting that we’ve never run into a problem with the “post mail day pic” or “what are you throwing in 2019” topics. It’s almost like diversity in responses on picture topics is a good thing for a community, wouldn’t you say?


For topics like this one

Would be nice. I get the editing your last post, but the format on the new pictures could get a little lost or the new pictures may not go with the “set” so to say.

Example. Post a reply with 3 pictures one day, no new posts by another user, so you edit your last post and add 2 more pictures. You’ve now got a string of 5 photos. Some of those photos could be a different set, different style, different lighting. If you’re trying to gauge what people “like” can’t really do that since you can only “like” a post once.
What if the new photos are no buano? Or they’re of dv888’s in the wild? Can’t “unlike” a post after a certain amount of time.

This is just an example of how multiple posts in a row by one person can be helpful.


Once again with the exaggerations. Who said it was impossible?

Who cares? It was brought up with regards to another thread. Points have been made (good points I might add) showing why it’s a good idea. The only reason I’ve seen to not do it is because it’s not @codinghorror’s way. That’s a bad reason.

@AndreBoulay can you weigh in on this please?
Silly that @codinghorror is making these decisions in my opinion.




So here’s my take on it: I like using the amateur photography thread because it encourages others to post their pictures as well. If it was just MY photography, I feel others would be discouraged from posting their own photos within the topic.
I like having seperate posts for different pictures because they are typically of different yoyos, and I can see the interest for each photo specifically, which helps me improve my photography.
I’m also not trying to steal Jordan’s thunder by copying off him. When I first saw his, I thought “duh, I should’ve done that,” but I didn’t. So, I use the thread that’s available to me.
Lastly, wouldn’t more topics clutter things more than more posts?
I didn’t mean for this to turn into a whole big thing, it’s really not that big of a deal. Just thought it could be a good idea to turn it off on specific threads where people may actually have a reason for posting more than twice in a row.


This is what I think


A forum shouldn’t be over policed otherwise it can get stifling.

I especially love it how I take the time to write a long post and wait to upload some photos only for it to inform me AFTER I hit send that I can’t post more than twice consecutively.


There’s no way to set this value per-topic, so that feature doesn’t exist @vegabomb.

As for the original query:

Contrary to this statement, editing the last post indeed bounces the topic, so the goal is achieved.

I would submit that Glen should probably start a standalone topic for his project, with the name of it in the title so it’s easier to find, etc. Then the amount of sequential self posting he can do is unlimited in his own topic. The behavior nudge is correct in this case, because that’s a better outcome for the community: topic is easier to find, topic is easier to update, topic more correctly reflects actual ownership (Glen’s project → Glen’s topic), etcetera. You could cross-reference / cross-link the “generic plastic creators” with the individual topics as well, of course. And Google would show a boost for anyone searching for Glen’s yo-yo by name rather than the generic “anyone creating a plastic yo-yo” title, etc. Best of both worlds, really!

There are two existing solutions to this supposed “problem” already on the table. I’m not sure why there need to be more?

(It’s also funny that Glen “wasted” one of his two sequential replies on a nonsense post in that topic as well :wink: … maybe … don’t do that next time? You can also delete a reply to make room for one by pressing the delete button. Just sayin’ )

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Good point. I’ll just delete of of the unnecessary posts.

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It also occurs to me, in addition to deleting sequential non-posts, you can simply advertise and solicit for more people to participate in the topic as you’re kinda doing here. And that’s a good thing … that’s how healthy discussion is supposed to work!

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Maybe next time a simple “the software has limitations that doesn’t allow that” would help. Why not just point that out immediately?

If it can’t be done per topic then I think it should just be turned on for all topics. Every other forum I’ve been on allows it and they don’t seem to have any problems. Again though it’s @AndreBoulay’s decision, not @codinghorror’s.