Send me high risk tricks

I will try to learn as many high risk tricks as possible as i need to get ready for the ante online competition. I would like it if any of you could recommend some or even send me some links. Thank you so much :hugs:


Risk is more just about probability of missing.

At the risk of ruining your fun, I’d just say to not worry about what’s “risky” as a general concept, because it’s going to greatly vary depending on your own skill level.

I’m unsure of what your current skill level is, but maybe going for a certain laceration is hard for you now. Going for that at all in your routine would be a risk. Is going for that same laceration under the leg/behind the back harder? Yes, but at the same time it’s already a risk to go for it at all, if you struggle to be consistent with it in front of your body.

If you just want to learn more generally harder tricks learn more horizontal, zoning, and difficult lacerations. That’s generalizing a bit, but that might help you start at least if you do just want to learn generally harder things.


Thanks for the help i can land all the hooks up to 2.5
I was just reading the qna that ante did and the mentioned thet tricks that required high risk would get more clicks
This is the main reason i asked because i dont really understand what is defined as risky and as this will be probably the only contest i get to attend i want to get experience and stuff like that but i wouldn’t mind passing the prelims
Hope i can attend this online competition as i dont think i will ever manage to go to a live contest and yeah basically i am trying to do well but i am not the greatest of a yoyoer there is as compared to others i have been yoyoing for 2 years but i am not as good as them
Thank you so much for your advice it was really helpful :blush:
Will you attend this online competition?


Yo good for you go on and get that experience sounds like a good idea!

This video might be helpful as a way to illustrate what Mable was talking about like with the different levels of difficulty. Also a cool video and some cool tricks. Shows some stuff you can do with a red triangle but you can try to apply the ideas to other tricks too.


Wow you are being so helpful i am gonig to watch this video now and tomorrow i am going yo apply this info into some of my tricks. Thank you :blush:


No problem also im not really sure how risk is defined and that’s a good question like does risk just = difficulty? Idk! Hah

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Having finally everything off for my new teeth… I would suggest cross over shoot the moons as a high risk trick - take care with any of the tricks you end up pursuing

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