Seeking recommendations for a powerful mono metal all arounder

One that surprises me still when I pick it up is the Duncan Barracuda. Feels lighter and zippier than the Top Deck, not as smooth but not bad either (Top Deck is freakishly smooth)
It has lots of spin and power. It’s one of my top performers.

Charlie, have you played the OD Panorama and the Markmont Classic or MCMO? Those would be my biggest recs.

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Oh, I also recommend the Beater.

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I’m not opposed to H shape as long as it’s not too hard on the edges and maybe smaller in size. I’ve thrown larger H shapes before and they felt more like tools to get a job done.

Oh yo I just wanna say you should see if you have a club in your area. That’s the best way to try a bunch of yoyos and see what you vibe with or head to a contest and try a bunch of stuff there.


I had a Panorama for about a year. I did like it, but it didn’t bring me as much joy as others, so I traded it along with another yoyo for a mint SB2 and holster.


That’s true. DXL is about two hours away from me.


I do like the idea of a non SE’ed One Drop. Shape looks comfortable too.


The shape of the Top Deck fits the hand quite well. I will say however, the edge is still pretty sharp if you catch it off centre.

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Yea if you can find one, Top Deck is a great choice. YYF Sugar and Mowl Vigilancia are also top choice monos that I own and really enjoy.

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my surprise when henry doesn’t sugest finding a hades is palpable. j/k

I haven’t tried one but i want one of the dif e yo bare bones at some point. i imagine thats a fun one.

St. Elmo

Absolutely fantastic yo-yo. Comfortable, powerful, stable, while still having a beautiful feel and movement on the string.

Other recommendations:


G2 loadout or if you want something more casually shape and still performs G2 Carbine


ooops I also would like to add infiltrate as a yoyo to check out. plays amazing and has a cool engraving if you were looking for something with a cool engraving.

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Krown 7075, beater, and deviant+ all are great

I’m definitely a Mowl fanboy. My first nice metal yoyo was a Vigilancia and couldn’t believe the upgrade compare to the Replay Pro I was using.

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I’m with the Top Deck crowd. Not as easy to find, but it’s got tons of power, almost bimetal like in my experience. It took a while, but it’s probably my #1 now. It’s awesome with a DS.

Easier to find is the DD Emotion. Fantastic throw with plenty of power and wide rims. Ridiculously smooth like all Dressels. If you get the raw, it almost looks like steel, just not as shiny.


I was hesitant about the Top Deck just because it didn’t look very exciting (superficially), however I just saw this splash ano photo on the OD site and it definitely tickles my fancy.


Mine is just plain gray :laughing:. It’s so good, though.


Curious… what are people’s thoughts on the CLYW Otter?