Seeking recommendations for a powerful mono metal all arounder

Yo yo everyone! I’m looking to buy my first unresponsive yoyo in years, and hoping you fine folk can offer some suggestions.

I’m searching for a mono metal with some power behind it, not super competition shaped but can still handle most things thrown at it. Budget around $100

Look forward to researching all your awesome recommendations! If you need more info to narrow down a suggestion, I’m an open book.


The Spinworthy Steadfast. I have a black one for $120 shipped.


So many great options, do u like organic or would u prefer to stay away from o shapes?

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I know this shouldn’t matter, but I’m not really into dark colored yoyos. I try to prioritize function over form but it’s difficult.

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good luck in your search, ill always vouch for the shortcut. definetly has that power youre looking for with a nice feel in the hand, especially with the blast


I am an organic fan, but it doesn’t need to be perfectly 000 shape.

I second the shortcut. Super impressive Yoyo for a super fair price.

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Great price for a highly recommended mono.

To this day I still think the Unparalleled Recognition is one of the absolute best monometals out there, and for a killer price to boot. Colin Beckford and the rest of the Unparalleled team designed such a good throw, it’s crazy how capable it is


Budget recommendations would include:

TP St. Elmo

DD Emotion

C3 Cyber Crash 2

YYFr Shortcut

YYFr Koi (Organic)

Freshly Dirty VHS. My current favorite. Organic, slim, beautiful cuts and a sure powerhouse.

Can cop like 2 of any of those and still be within or around budget.

High end Monos:

Hydrangea Magnolia

Yoyomonster Noah or Sfida

Pretty much anything from Yoyorec

These individually will put you just at or around budget for just 1 throw.


Or if you’re looking for more organic monos, the atmos Cloudberry and Throw Spiral Kappa are two solid performers

The steadfast is honestly a really solid YoYo I enjoy it a whole lot.

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If you can find a Silenus it’s a treat to play

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My fave is the Reboot. It’s a mid-sized organic that’s super comfortable in the hand. I probably pick it up most due to hand feel alone.

Honorable mentions for me go to the Beater and Free Solo. The Beater is a fun player, but the Free Solo is probably the most “performant” of the group.


Another hard to find but the zipline honeybadger is an awesome mono

If u want an organic I highly highly also 2nd the rec for a VHS!! That yo-yo is pure awesomeness. It immediately became love at first throw. And u can get a sick colorway for $60 and still have $40 left over


I’m a big fan of the GWAY esper. It’s a d bearing mono metal. It’s comfortable and has some good power IMO.


My 2 most powerful mono metal right now is the hydrangea magnolia. The mowl aerodynex is awesome too.

Of course, my good man!

I can’t recommend the YYF Czech Point Pivot enough. It is “competition shaped,” but I find it to be pretty comfortable (I won’t use a yoyo that isn’t fairly comfortable). It’s easily in the top two most powerful yoyos I’ve ever used, bimetal or otherwise.

My #2 would probably be the already mentioned Reboot. That thing has power it just shouldn’t for being mid-sized, organic-ish, and pretty light. The OG BettyNova is fairly similar to the CPP, but slightly less powerful if you’re really looking for max power. Mine is dead smooth and has nicer (and brighter) anno options over the CPP, if that sways you. Is slightly comfier, too.

The Shortcut certainly isn’t a bad yoyo for $30, but with your budget being well above that, I’d suggest a different option, personally.