Scratch/Ding Fix?

Hi guys,

I tried playing with my friend’s yo-yo today and you know when the bind is so loose that the string magically gets longer and has the yo-yo hit the concrete? Well that happened and the yo-yo now has a Scratch/ding on the rim. Any solutions on how to fix it? He wants it to look like new again with the green paint and everything.

(It’s a green popstar)

No, not really. All you can do is sand the rims down, but that would make it raw metal, so not really other than that.

OR you could get a colored sharpie and color the ding.

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Or…you can just not worry about it because it doesn’t really matter.

Lol :stuck_out_tongue:

Now you know how some people are. To him it matters.

Yup, the only problem is… it is not him worrying about it… he doesn’t have to worry about it… lol.