School yoyo club?

I want to start a yoyo club at my school, but dont know how. Any ideas on how i would go about doing this? ???

You will probably need a teacher to sponcer you and let you use there room. After you got that worked out you or your sponsor will probably need to fill out some paper work for admin. After admin aproves then you start meeting.

I’ve had a club though middle school - high school the difference in having them is middle school you just need a teacher and a time - high school you need the proper forms, advisory teacher, sertian number of kids to join, and a constitution applied you can get this stuff from your student services in your school. :smiley:

This is all it took at my school. I just told my Division Head that the kids wanted a yoyo club and that I would host it in my room. Some schools even pay the teachers - mine does. Not much, but hey. I’m getting paid to play with yoyos! Does that technically make me a professional?

We’ll you can just ask a teacher to help start an after school yoyo club and get some freinds from school and start that’s what i heard

The first step of starting a club is having a good amount of people that actually want to start a club. I’d say about 4 or 5 people will do.

Next, you have to find a teacher or advisor to sponsor the club by overseeing meetings and giving you their room to use. Fill out paperwork, have it approved by the activities director then voila! Set up a meeting time.

I recommend that instead of a yo-yo club, you could broaden it to more of a skill toys club. It can start off as yo-yoers but eventually you might get jugglers, footbag tricksters, poi, etc. It will be more successful and you might learn more than yo-yoing. Remember, you have that are students willing to do it. The form process requires a petition.

i think u should talk to the pricible :wink:

it is spelled principal. I’m sorry, but i go crazy when someone spells something wrong :stuck_out_tongue: