Samad where did you get so smart with yoyos?

where ??? ???

Dr. Thelonius von Robot the Third, insane alter-ego of mild-mannered computer security analyst and yoyo enthusiast Robert Miller had one day approached me 10 months and 4 days ago when I began yoyoing. He snatched me up from my bedroom practicing with my Kickside, then took me to has laboratory. As he began to mess with chemicals I fell asleep, and that is when he operated on me.

I awoke 3 hours later in Northern Indiana, I began my journey back home. Unaware of what had happened to me. I found plane tickets back to California in my pocket, and arrived home, without notice that I was gone. I picked up my yoyo again, and when I first threw it, a heavenly aura possessed me. An angel came down and touched my head, blessing my potential and new found knowledge from DocRobot. I then went online, to spread my wonderful knowledge.

When the idea of chat night came up, I was extremely excited. I had won all of them, except the second. However, there is a reason behind this. I had gotten to the finals, and I was ready to win, however a mysterious figure protruded from behind me, tied me up and threw me in the closet, then lost the game for me.

However, I am back - And better then ever.

Yours Truly,

I have this effect on people.


I just lol’d for like a minute straight.

Ummm…hey Doc, want my address, I don’t practice with a Kick Side, and I’m a little bigger (ok a lot bigger) than Samad, but I promise I won’t put up a fight. Operate away homie!!! ;D

Ok, but you’re gonna have to live with the side effects…

Including, but not limited to: lust for falafel, explosive diarrhea, implosive diarrhea, dislike for Yomega, retro-gaming, retro-cartoons, conversion to Islam, celebrating Boxing Day, smashing open fortune cookies just to read the fortune, and randomly drinking malt vinegar.

Just yesterday one of my fortune cookies said: The greatest danger could be your stupidity.

Also…I’m out of malt vinegar :frowning:

Rofl, it’s just like a new drug commercial. 20 seconds about the new drug, and 2 1/2 minutes of side effects. I’ll have to think about it. Don’t know about the fortune cookie one!

ppppsssshhhh I already do like half of those

Did you copy my brain and put it into Samad or something. Those bi-effects are like my life. Except boxing day and islam, I don’t have those. But I have all kinds of diarrhea (I eat too much) and retro-gaming is one of my passions.

That would be nearly impossible. He did the operation before you even yoyo’ed.

   Need some practice before Oldschool? I'm happy to help.. and get uber smart!!! MWAHAHA

  *Doc walks in and ties me up* 















