Hey guys! I’ve been doing some more rim polishes and the latest one has been Born2yoyo’s Barco Energy. I did this a while ago but figured it would be nice to share.
This is how I got it. Slight rim damage on one half, and the other was half satined
Masked, with one side mostly done
polished on top, just satined on bottom
satined left,polished right
What do you guys think?
awesome. I’ve been looking to do this on my g5. How much would you charge?
Thanks again Pat! It looks the best it has ever looked!
Hey pat I’ve re-considered. Would you mind taking my Chaotic for a spin? Execlent work by the way! Why did you have the polishing wheel or did you get it just for yoyos? You should start doing other mods too and become a serious modder.
It’s homemade! It’s made of a vaccuum motor, some belt drive wheels, belt, sheet metal to protect your hands from the spinning peices, electrical wires and switches, and wood for the base. The only things bought were the cloth wheel and the wire wheel on the other side.
I need this done to my new (to me) dv888 and my new (also to me) 888x. I just put this here to get rid of the DM thing. Don’t need my DMs done as of now. Maybe later. I have been PMing you about them.