Returning to Yo-yos; need recommendation!

I use to yoyo all the time when I was a kid and for one reason or the other I got out of it. I just bought a Duncan Pro Z on a whim the other day and my interest has been renewed.

I bought the Duncan Pro Z because it boasted being two yo-yos in one with the ability to add the spacers. Well it does not really live up to the promise, what I found is it can either be a looping yoyo that is not very responsive, or a string trick yoyo that is not that unresponsive…

So I am looking for a (or a few) good starter yoyos to learn on and came across this bundle from

Is this a good buy for someone just starting out? Will it last me a good while or should I think about buying one really good yoyo now instead of multiple “starter” yoyos that I will out grow if I get good?

If that is not a good buy, do you have any advice on a good string trick yoyo and a good loop trick yoyo for under $50 with a good amount of string and lube, etc like that pack that i linked has?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Yomega has a pack that will take you all the way to advanced. I think they sell that pack here in the store.

I will definitely have to take a look at that. Do you think those Yomega yoyos are of better quality then the Sage/Oracle combo in the bundle I linked?

The oracle is not a good yoyo and the sage is overpriced

For under $50 I suggest:

Thank you for the reply Sparhawk!

Got a weird question for you, is there a Duncan equivalent to the C3 Speedaholic? (basically a good but cheap unreponsive yoyo)

The reason I ask, is I have a thing for Duncan Yoyos (Childhood) and I am just wondering if Duncan has any good ones out there since not alot of people seem to recommend them.

They have the flipside which is the closest you’ll get

Otherwise to get to something actually good you can get the torque which is excellent

Awesome, well its nice to hear that Duncan does have a few gems out there like the Hornet and Torque.

Ok so I have settled on my first responsive looping yoyo, but I am debating on two unresponsive yoyos to do learn string tricks on (I do know how to do a basic bind). I am debating on the C3 Speedaholic that was suggested above, and the Spintastics Blade which is a $20 unresponsive metal yoyo.

The good think about the Spintastics Blade, is that Dale Oliver and the Spintastics company is about an hour away from where I live, so I could check it out before I buy.

But I would like any advice I can get here as well.

I myself have a Speedaholic and its my fav throw ;D You just cant go wrong with it. It has the potential to do so much.

Just check out the Speedaholic vids on YouTube.

True, there are alot more online reviews and videos of the Speedaholic then the Blade.

Torque, Torque, Torque, Torque, Torque!!!

The torque does look nice, but I do not know if I want to spend $45 bucks on my first unresponsive throw without knowing more about my skill…

I could see how it might make learning easier if I am using better equipment but im still unsure…kinda feels like i would be trying to run before learning how to walk.

classic>everything else>speedaholic

The blade is just a rebranded magic-yo T8 so it’s not a bad yoyo

It’s really up to you

Well I pulled the trigger and bought a c3 Speedaholic, a YYJ Unleashed, a pack of 100 kitty string, and both thick and thin lube. That should last me until I get better and need higher grade throws. I will prob get that Spintastic Blade next month just to have a cheap metal string trick yoyo too.

Thank you all for your suggestions and help!

On a side-note, is the stock bearing in the Speedaholic going to be good enough for advanced play if I ever get there? Would a bearing upgrade to a concave or center track bearing be ideal in the future?

good enough

I changed out my bearing to KK on the speedaholic. You will notice a difference from flat to KK in time, but for now the stock bearing it comes with is more than capable.