Resposive to unresponsive

How do you make a yoyo that responses to a unresponsive

what yoyo?
Usually cleaning the bearing will do it. if it’s a duncan, remove one of the stickers, and clean the bearing.

With my experience that is true, though if your duncan has one of the new sticker recesses all you need to do is clean the bearin, they become DEAD unresponsive

Beefcake it. (hav 2 bearings in it at the same time). Or take out one of the responses.

Depends on the yo-yo. You can try cleaning or replacing the bearing first. If it’s still responsive, then try making the gap larger by using a wider bearing or spacers (make sure the bearing fits in your yo-yo though). Then you can try using a different response system or taking out one of the pads/stickers. Like I said, it depends on the yo-yo. What yo-yo is it?

It’s a medal drifter by Duncan

Clean the bearing and remove a sticker.