so i recently got a knot in my bearing and tried a Kickflip and remembered i have a responsive yoyo for that so i picked it up for a bit and i’ve been trying to get Kickflips down
any advice on how i can keep the yoyo from falling off the string while in the air?
thanks guys
Edit: just landed one!! super satisfying!
That’s one more than me.
have you ever landed it?
High wall yoyos definitely make it easier to avoid the string coming off the yoyo. Watch Ed’s videos here and on the Bandalores YouTube channel. Remember neutral string tension and let physics work for you (swing the yoyo away from you, the lighter string will follow)
The The 0A Thread (Fixed Axle & Modern Responsive) Thread is a great place for all things responsive And like was mentioned check out the Bandalores instagram page, @edhaponik put up a good tutorial for them.
Woohoo! That’s exciting! Congrats!!
I don’t have any tips but I got to play with a Delrin gamer at my yoyo club and it was sick