Hi, I currently own a YYF Beginner to Pro Pack which includes a Spinstar, Arrow, and Replay Pro yoyo. My skill level as of now is that I have completed all of the beginner tricks and some of the intermediate tricks, I also have something checked off on advanced 1 and 2. I would just like to know if there is any responsive and unresponsive 1A yoyos that I should check out just to have a good idea of what to move up to as well as have a possible yoyo collection.
For a first metal yoyo i would recommend any yoyo from the yoyofriends -cut series such as the Shortcut or Ultracut! Those two yoyos in particular offer excellent performance for the price point. If you’re looking for a massive upgrade in the form of a bimetal (which i don’t think you’re looking for quite yet, but i am recommending just in case), check out the C3 Crash series, especially Hydrogen Crash and Plasma Crash. Those are my two favorite yoyos at the moment.
Also as i own my own yoyo company i suggest waiting for a Pop! Yoyos Weasel. It is practically indestructible in terms of basic yoyo play, has absurd spin time, and a unique design that stands out. That being said i recommend what’s in the first paragraph more sincerely whereas this is primarily advertisement (albeit honest advertisement as I stand by these statements).
you’re going to have a hard time finding a bad yoyo and if you search for similar threads, there are so many different recommendations that it just starts looking like a list of everything available in the yye shop
a better approach is to find a yoyo in your budget that you REALLY like the look of and that you’ll play with a lot. signature yoyos are also designed with that player’s trickset in mind so if you see a yoyo you like with someone’s name on it, look up their tricks and see if that’s a style road you’re interested in
Splizacular put this really well, that’s great advice. If you are looking to start a collection you could buy a yoyo from one company and see if it plays the way you like, then work from there. That’s just my opinion and I’m def no pro. Personally, I like OD’s :D.