responce pads

my respocne pads (yyf) fell out but they re still workable

what type of adhesive do i use to put it back on without damagint the metal

Don’t put it back. LOL

Buy another one.

Depending on the yoyo, just replace the pad(s) with silicone.

i bought more but it feels like a waste…so theres no way to put it back?

double sided tapeee??? idk.

not really. Have you ever siliconed any thing? Go to lowes get some silicone, go to a toystore buy a butterfly practice silicone recessing and siliconing. Tuts are in the mod section.

yeh if it uses K-pads it sould be deep enough to silicone, and will last you a hell of a lot longer than those pads will

i haev silicon. my friend gave it to me. i use it for my mod fhz. they last longer but pads haev a more solid feel. and my main throw is superstar. i dunno if i wanna do it. esp on my john ando edition

its fine i do it on all my yoyos

Alright, what does recessing have to do with siliconing? Two completely different things there.

Also, butterflies at walmart today are made from cheapo plastic, and will break if you even try to recess them. So let’s NOT try to learn recessing.

thats not true! I recessed a walmart butterfly and use it to practice siliconing.

depends on how deep the recess is.

f you tried to recess it for actually accepting silicone, it’d be destroyed.

yeah… recess a butterfly and its gonna melt. I mean… my source is Landon.

Mine accepts silicone and didn’t melt. It took me a long time to do because it was my first recess but its perfectly OK.

Not to play though.

There’s a difference between being able to hold silicone and accepting silicone.

your missing the point. you buy it to practice siliconing. If you silicone recess and silicone a butterfly for playing your crazy because it doesn’t have a bearing. Its just a practice dummy.