
Wonderful post. I have nothing to add really, I just needed to show appreciation.

Yay Q!!!

Great post! I cried a littleā€¦

Alright guys, this is a HUGE necro, and I apologize. But I just felt like it could be brought back with a few more members in mind. Added a couple of things. Sorry.

I agree with (almost) everything. But keep in mind the average age on these boards, and think back on how you would have acted when youā€™re like 12-15 years old. You wanted to be a rebel, and you most certainly did not want to step in lineā€¦Iā€™d say donā€™t get too annoyed by it. Look back at how you were at that ageā€¦

I donā€™t fully agree with the remark about grammar though. There are people on this board whose main language ainā€™t (or isnā€™t) English. If they try to get the message across to their best limits, and you understand what he or she is trying to say, why would you point out he made a grammatical or spelling error? Is that to show your own grammar & spelling ā€˜skillā€™ or something? Grammar doesnā€™t and it will never save lives on a yoyo board. This is a fun place, let them have fun here and let them learn their grammar and spelling at schoolā€¦ I agree that people shouldnā€™t type l1k3 tH1S and all but seriously whatā€™s the harm in a little grammar or spelling errorā€¦ :slight_smile:

Anyways, muchos respect to Q for his insightfull postā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue:

We understand that those that donā€™t speak english and their first language may have trouble. This is acceptable. For those that live here or speak english as their first language should have no trouble in typing it correctly for the most part.

Also, I am only 16. And I feel that I conduct myself in an appropriate manner for my age.

I think that when computers become integrated into schools as note taking devices in the technological age there is a large chance that grammar will improve enormously. The problem is, people learn computer at a young age and are not taught to always type properly on it, just how to use it.

Heck, most adults are worse than the kids for l33tsp34k.