Replay Axle

I tossed my Replay Pro into my bag and it kinda go squished to the point where it vibed pretty hard. Honestly it’s still playable, but I was wondering if there was a way to bend the axle back to smooth it out a bit.

So how’ve you Replay power users handled this?

Note: it was closer to a 15 degree angle at first, so I tried pushing it really hard to try correcting it, but it still vibes quite a bit.

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It’s easier (and better) to just replace it. Screws are cheap.
(Unless of course you knocked the threads out of whack)

These caps kinda don’t come off, but I think I’ve minimized the vibe so it’s good enough, but might give someone who’s only played dead-smooth bimetals a heart attack

What do the caps have to do with the axle. In any event if the axle threads are screwed access to the caps is immaterial.

The Replays use a nut/bolt. The bolt is secured in place with some sort of glue/plastic that you have to break through to remove it.

I’ve done it several times to change cap colors, but I would only recommend doing it as a last resort since it can create vibe. Place the Replay pro half with the axle cap side down and just tap the axle with a hammer. The bolt will break free and push the cap out, then you can replace it.


Thanks. Didn’t know that.

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