Replacment axle for wooly marmot and where can I find axle?

Where can I find axle For my wooly marmot

Could I found it in ace? And is there’s a specific size for wm axle?

You can get an axle on CLYW’s website!

I know but i don’t want to buy it online
I mean I wanna buy it from a store

Take it to a hardware store. Look for a set screw that fits. If they don’t have a set screw long enough buy a regular screw and cut the head off. Use a fine file or coarse stone to smooth the cut end.

When looking for the right size, use the axle to try to thread into a nut that looks like it will fit, rather than trying to run a screw into the yoyo body. That way you won’t mess up the threads with a wrong size screw. Some store have a little gauge you can use to size the screw properly.

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Agh kk I’ll try