
Well, my K-Pad fell out of my 888 today. I am ordering replacement. Question though - What could be used as replacement until my pads arrive? I am not looking for answers like “YYJ O-Ring” or Flowable silicone please. Thanks for the help.

How bout double and triple binds? :-[ :stuck_out_tongue: lol!

I would just do what OldSchool says. Or, you could us another yoyo for the time being. Afterall, its good to circulate yoyos. Note I have not tried this but how about foam? Like the really hard pressed foam. (Foam that is used for arts and crafts? (Lol just throwing that out there) I really don’t think thats a good idea. Best bet is to use another yoyo for the time being.

use M1.

I put flowable silicone in my skyline instead of the k-pads and it plays great, even better than with the pads. Although it’s all preference. I’m sorry if you don’t want to hear this kind of answer but I’m recommending flowable silicone. Very unresponsive and tight binds!

HAHA mine fell out this morning ! I’m ordering a new one… now i’m messing with some looping an 4a.

Just try another yoyo m1, pgm?


Lol, sorry to act kinda mean, but read the original post :-\ The reason is, I dont have any flowable silicone.
Thanks for all the help guys! I am tryting to shave a YYJ O-Ring to as thin as possible.

Maybe Try changing the response to starbursts. Just maybe melt some metal and then make some ridges, cool and there you go!! The First metal Starburst yo-yo in history I bet.

funny usually samad is on the other side of the convers

Life, huh? :wink: