Removing prices from BST’s as yo-yos are sold?

Maybe not a mystery to some, it is certainly curious to me.

Over the years it’s been mentioned that BST yo-yo posts are left up for future reference. Ok…

The images and prices are left up because the information may be useful to others possibly looking to sell the same or similar items. Uh, Ok…

Now, here is the ‘mystery’ >

Why is it that many people update their BST’s as they sell their yo-yos, but instead of just updating that a certain yo-yo is sold, they write ‘SOLD’, and remove the price?

Whether they sold it for the asking price or more than the asking price or they had to move it so they sold it for less than the asking price>>>

Wouldn’t it be more ‘useful information’ if the price the yo-yo sold for was left in the text?

Some people need a sort of running start when they decide they need to cash out their yo-yos. Leaving the prices originally listed or updating with the actual ‘yo-yo sold for $whatever$’ would be more helpful.

Would anybody that sells yo-yos through the forum and has the same habit of posting up a yo-yo for sale, giving an accurate description of condition, listing the Price…… and then when updating to SOLD status, also removes the Price, care to explain the logic, there?


From my own experience, not only in yoyo but also other fashion items I sold back then:

Not many people read or pay attention to the “SOLD” if put next to the price so it is up to seller to change the price to the text to avoid further confusion.
Even when I said it is seller’s duty to make it clear but I saw many sales post including mine has “NO TRADES” or “specific trade” as top line, still some unintentionally/intentionally skip that and go straight up to offer something.

As for solution for price archived, I feel like it is already there. If there is any edit after 2min, an icon will show up on top right and anyone can click into that and saw the price listed. This only applied if the post is not in sales format, however I witness that many already acknowledged it and avoid posting in sales format so that others could view the edit.

This topic is interesting which I feel like there should be section to store price sold data but not sure how it can affect current backend or database.


No rocket science here…. I will give a logical and understandable example>

I post up a yo-yo for sale. Luftverk Stelvia in mint condition, $350 shipped.

The yo-yo sells the same day.

I update the BST> Stelvia SOLD for $350.

No real challenge in my opinion.

… if a person has 10 yoyos listed, as they are sold, the post is updated per item as needed.
Peak SOLD for $650…… Monkeyfinger SOLD for $300, etc

PS… this is sort of an afterthought, I guess, but nonetheless sort of funny, if nothing else.

A guy lists 10 yo-yos in the subject box. One is a very sought after yoyo like a first run Peak or a Rare Monkeyfinger colorway.

Within 10 minutes of posting up the BST, the yo-yo or yo-yos are sold!!!.

The Seller deliberately leaves the rare sold yo-yos in the Subject box, to ‘Sucker’ unwitting people to click on the post. Which is no different than driving by a Car Dealership and seeing a sign saying New Corvette for $25000. So, you drive around the block and pull in to the Dealership to ask about the New Dirt cheap Corvette? The Salesman says, ‘Oh, we sold that car a month ago, we just forgot to take down the sign. But we have a lot of other cars for sale……

I understand that the people that do that aren’t going to change. But I think that SuckerBait tactic is Weak…


Thats what I do for my post! I also separate the sold ones from the unsold ones so Ive never had anyone message me about a throw I marked as sold.


To be honest it would be more beneficial. I am just too lazy on mobile to figure out how to have the price have a line through it and then add the sold portion next to it. I am however always willing to share a sold price. Maybe not the best reason why I do it like I do but it’s the honest reason.

As for your second point I tend to do only 2 bumps a thread or until the majority of the marquee yo-yos have sold. Then I let the thread just die and make a new as to not false advertise that much


Can’t you just hit the pencil button and look at past edits to see the price?


Yes, you can look at the edits, but some BST posts are very long lived with many items over time. Figuring out which of the 100 edits I need to look at to see the last asking price for a specific item isn’t easy in that situation.


Several times I’ve wondered this and even gone into its previous edits just to see the price a specific yoyo went for

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I was just internally moaning about this the other day while trying to find comps on some yoyos I have. And then I went and did the exact same thing myself on my BST thread - removed the prices and just put “SOLD.” In my case, it’s simply because I’m an idiot. I appreciate this post for helping me realize that! :smiley: I updated my thread to add prices of sold items back, and hope it becomes the norm moving forward.


Thanks for bringing this up, Doc. I agree it would be easier to comp prices if more people were mindful of this.

To echo what others said,

  1. The edit history is usually available, but large threads can have 100+ edits.
  2. Strikethrough is a solution (through the price, then put Sold next to/before it).

Perhaps @codinghorror could make it easier by making a strikethrough-text shortcut available on mobile? Not an urgent request by any means. For now, you can still do it manually (along with many other things) as shown here:


I can say for my thread, I just don’t like having an overly long initial post. Just a personal preference there, so I remove anything that sells from the post. Thinking about it now, I could’ve (probably should’ve for future reference) used the second post as a reference post for prices they sold for. I’ll try to start doing that with mine.