Remaking almost all of my videos with my HD camcorder. Or more so going to try to.
Trying to make them look a bit smoother, titled tricks, different angles…So forth like that.
So for people that favorited videos in the past, please re-favorite them.
I’ll be bumping this as I get more videos remade instead of just making a new thread.
Its for the better to do this for my videos.
Also using music that is under creative commons so no video site can take it down!
Check it out! Embedding has the HD off but if you go to the video directly HD is on and its intense.
Named all the tricks! new sorta angles to it, Slow mo effects for the speciality of the tricks!
New better music and less contraversial.
Sorry for the necro, but I felt not to make a new thread for my remake videos.
My trick names come from a wide range of mythology, religion, psychology, sociology, latin…things like that. I study hard to get a meaning behind the tricks.
Remake video of a remake video, aha! You can sorta tell the irony huh? This is a video I redid in different shots, different locations, and overall a much better experience. Shot in the Mall of America with my mother as the camera person…so some shots are a little shakey, but she did good!
My favorite out of all the remakes so far. Hope you enjoy, take a look!