Man i wonder where Jason Sorcan is these days. My fellow Team Dixies member.
Awesome collection, but at the same I am feeling a bit of anxiety seeing that much.
How much of that was the haul from Codinghorror? I know you got an amazing collection awhile back. I am still jealous.
Oh man! That black cherry bomb takes me back! First real yoyo i purchased with mowing grass money! I loved every single minute with that thing. Sadly, my original has been lost to time (more likely parents purged it, along with my ninja turtle collection from when i was young). Beautiful collection my man! Thanks for the trip down memory lane!
I love seeing this. I can show my wife and tell her it is completely normal to have so many yoyos. Lol.
About 5-6 years ago I came across my box of yo-yos and cleaned it out. Gave away a bunch and threw out all my yo-yo times newsletters. I wish I would have kept them. I also lost my third place plaque for a contest in the 80’s. I remember having it in the 90’s but it disappeared.
Sniffy-Yo = Paul Ash. I remember seeing his quirky reviews back around 2011. He was very supportive sending me emails about social media, talking up YYSL to companies, and discussing Type X before it came out. Learned a life lesson or two from that experience.
@yoyodoc good to see that you still got a Life!
I was wondered what happened to Sniffy Loved his reviews back then …
Oh my… Ali Baba’s treasure cave, no less.
Dear Mr. Yoyodoc,
My name is Ruoyu, and I’m saying hello from Beijing, China.
My brother, Yefan, and I are amateur modders, and both of us were shocked reading your post Back in time about 20 years(Moze ole mods). These modified yoyos really gave us many inspirations. Color combinations and unique designs are undoubtedly splendid. Brilliant work, sir!
We don’t own many Yoyojam plastic yoyos and Freehand Zeros for us to mod. Although there are a lot of cheap yoyos made by Auldey and Aoda, both are considered bootleg companies. My brother and I don’t like to perform modifications on these knockoffs. I saw your huge inventories, wondering whether you would sell some. If you do, please let me know.
Here are some modified yoyos to verify that we really are who we say we are. Also, you can take a look at my brother’s Instagram account, hinasamaxjh, for more pics.
Best regards,
Here are some pics of some stuff Dale sent me when he was fading out and cleaning house.
A spin-off of the Jamboo family… sorta.
Dale was Tinkering with synthetic quartz and types of man made countertop materials. They came raw, with no bearings and no response. I e had them for years in a bag in a box in a drawer.
I took one apart(technical term is Unscrewed it) and installed a bearing and teal YYF response pads. It looks plays pretty nice. I waited too long to find this out, lol. I think this calls for a KonKave bearing and a mirror finish on the rims, etc…maybe polish the body to bring out the figure of the material. What a pleasant surprise.
What a cool idea, I love seeing different materials on yoyos. I’d love to see them polished up.
Do they have a lot of weight to them?
He passed away September of last year. I can’t figure out how to PM here