Watching Doc Pop’s new trick got me thinking again about rejection tricks. And how Magic Drop is NOT a rejection. As a community we have for some reason identified it as a rejection trick, and even worse put it as one of the first someone should learn. The sheer number of threads asking for help with this trick should be a red flag that there is a problem.
Here are some tricks that I would classify as rejection tricks:
They all have one thing in common.
The yoyo uses the front back motion and the spin of the yoyo to push the string out of the gap.
Magic drop doesn’t actually do that. It just drops the yoyo down away from the string.
There is not much front to back motion at all, and as a result, the yoyo does not use its spin to push the string out of the gap. As proof, try this video where the yoyo isn’t even spinning, but the trick still works.
And the reason why it still works, is because this is a drop, not a rejection.
For me magic drop is still a rejection. I guess it’s called magic ‘drop’ because the yoyo seems to just drop, but magically untied, which is where the rejection plays in. The ‘magic’ comes with the rejection that is not apparent.
As for the yoyo not spinning yet the trick still work, many so called rejection tricks will still work without the yoyo spinning either, it’s not a criteria that makes it a rejection or not. You can even do the same trick one with rejection and one without, that makes them ultimately two different tricks, depending on how strict you define at which point a variance of the trick is still the same trick or not. One might even say that the magic drop without rejection is not magic drop, but a slide drop.
I get what you are saying, but my point is that the string doesn’t reject so much as just drop out of the gap, which makes it a different trick completely just like you said. It’s a drop trick, masquerading as a rejection.
Which makes it even more confusing for newer throwers.
I’m not sure you could do that Doc Pop trick with a dead yoyo. Or even a backspinning one.
Also, to further prove that spin makes no difference in magic drop(and therefore it’s not really a rejection), here is magic drop with a backspin. 
I missed the shockwave, but the drop is good.
I’m confused with why it’s a bad thing people are having problems with the trick.
It’s definitely a rejection though. If you do the motion and don’t force a string rejection the Yoyo will just land back on both strings, the rejection happens to the string closest to your body.
In no way am I trying to start an argument or insult the OP, but what’s the purpose of this? Haha I’m generally confused.
If you want to do a magic drop the way you did it, you can, but if you want to do a smooth magic drop it will require a rejection.
I think it’s important because we have an ever expanding trick lexicon, and we should try and classify things as accurately as possible.
Also, magic drop is the only “rejection” that works the way it works.
So, it should be classified differently since it is different.
Ultimately, it’s not that important because once you learn the trick you’re good.
But, I didn’t really get the trick till I started focusing on the drop part, and for me (and I think many others) calling it a rejection is really getting in the way.
I’m not offended, no one agrees with my cause 
Well for me it’s actually the opposite. Once I realized that it is meant to be rejected somehow, it becomes easier, and that you’ll need to spin it in the correct direction otherwise it will not reject properly. It’s not impossible of course to do it in reverse spin, but it’s not the ‘right’ way to do the trick, just like non-flipping loops are possible, but that doesn’t mean it’s ‘correct’.
Anyway, the problem with naming tricks are even one player could make so many tricks in a matter of minutes, naming each and every one of them would be ridiculous. It definitely is a good idea to use certain terms like rejection or laceration to explain the trick, but by being too strict with it you might end up confusing people by the sheer number of elements. Especially when they conceptually similar yet named differently. For example I see no problem explaining brentstole and hook as lacerations based tricks, though one might argue that in brentstole you need to cross the string before going into the yoyo while hook doesn’t, so the laceration is different and should be named differently? if that’s the case then there will be too many classifications and it will most likely confuse people especially beginners instead of helping them.
Probably the problem is because you define rejections differently, I don’t blame you though, because the term itself is only used in our small community, and such having no clear definition on certain things is inevitable. For me, rejection is when certain force is applied off plane that caused the string to pop out, this includes a lot of things. When in doubt, I usually just say ‘somewhat like rejections’ when explaining tricks to avoid problems.
Ultimately, there would be a few tricks that would fall under the drop category, and then the distinction would be more necessary and more purposeful.
Havn’t come up with any though.