I was unable to go and I’m sorry to missed meeting you all and watching you compete.
Congratulations Samad for 2nd, and for becoming General Yo’s newest team member!
Source: x.com
James, I’m sure it was a learning experience and you should be proud just because you had the nerve to get up there and perform and compete in front of a crowd!
All the judges must have took off their glasses when you went up. Because I seriously thought you were gonna beat me. And I am being serious. I am not just saying that because I want to make you feel better, I seriously thought you did great and I thought you were going to be atleast 3 places infront of me. When I saw you came in 30th and I came in 17th I just about went into shock and died.
they judge by point system
I started clicking both of your freestyle and jame did win
but, paolo had more string mistake too
if both of your freestyle were click perfectly it will probably be close