Today at DXL (long post about it coming later) I had the opportunity to play some RecRev. Specifically a newer model that was just released, it’s not even in stores yet. I think it’s called a Ta5. (No, not a Ti5, a Ta5.) It was literally the most pleasant surprise. I couldn’t stop throwing it it was just really good. I really wanted to buy it but I figured it would be at least $90-$100. I was surprised to find that it only cost $30. I was like “.Wat.” This yoyo literally plays like three times it’s price at the LEAST. They could charge $100 for it, but no they don’t, because they are awesome. Now when they come to YYE or other stores they are obviously going to be more, but still, whatever they charge for it, it’s worth it. Easily the best $30 yoyo out there. So, if you want the best bang for your buck, it’s RecRev time. Don’t waste your life looking else where. I should’ve found them a LONG time ago.
Thanks for saving me “research” time. I’m just gonna throw this on my list of “stuff I really should have”.
No, I’m not trying to sound like some sarcastic person. RecRev has consistently blown me away with price/performance, as well as style. I have 2 Sharps and a TA-1. I gotta get myself a Facade too, I just don’t like the color being offered. So, if you feel that way about this TA5, I’ll just add that to my list. I plan on doing some big spending at Nationals, I hope to score quite a few good deals.
RecRev is a brand people really should not be overlooking. Massively good stuff!
Yeah dude it’s pretty insane. ESPECIALLY when I put a Center Trac in it. Ooohhh goodness.
But yeah, more people should get them.
Recrev never gets enough attention, maybe but that might be because YYE only has like 3 of their yo-yos, when recrev has designed like 50. You guys should also try out the i, the mangaroo, and the octave series, they are definitely some of my all time favorite yo-yos. I’ll probably get this one as well.
the yoyo is called the TA-1 and the delrin version is TA1S

the yoyo is called the TA-1 and the delrin version is TA1S
Haha that’s weird, a bunch of people said it was the Ta5. But yeah it’s awesome. Both of em.
I have the TA-1, the metal version. Got that at BAC. I’ve played the delrin TA-1S. I prefer the TA-1 better. It’s got this “very familiar, yet different” feel to the delrin if you’ve played the alumimum, and vice versa if you’ve played the delrin. Interesting and cool. OK, changing gears, focusing on getting a blue-based Facade now.
My friend recently got one of the Delrin versions and I’ve been playing it every chance I get. It is one of the smoothest delrins I’ve ever thrown and it is super stable. Fantastic yoyo. Personally I prefer the delrin to the metal. The delrin just has a certain feel to it that I love. The metal still plays amazing but if you get the chance, buy the delrin.
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