RecRev challenge!

show me your recrev collection! i wanna see if anyone has a bigger/better one than me, just as a pride/curiosity thing XD (also i’m like 2 days post-op, so if this post seems weird for any reason it is because i am on a decent amount of morphine for the pain)


the top row in the big case minus the one to the farthest right (tivayder) is all my recrev (minus two sine//saws that i keep in a special place)

from left to right it goes freq mod, oscillatrix, mangaroo, oktave 1, facade, and ti ta-1.

used to have a badrep, axle exploded and is a weird size so i couldn’t fix it, also a ta-1, same story, also a silly goose, but no matter what i did i couldn’t get it to bind tightly so i sold it out of pure frustration. i also had an extra oktave 1 and an extra facade, but i didn’t need them so i just halfswapped both with other ones i had until i had my favourite playing combos and sold the extra resultant ones.


What cases are those?

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@Sinister_Yoyos silly goose :man_shrugging:t3:

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All I have is this blue Silly Goose with an extra short axle.

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Pelican cases! Don’t remember exactly what models, but they’re perfect if not expensive! Highly recommend them!

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Yeah, the axle in ALL of the production ones are too short; they just shipped like that.