Recipe for disaster

You teach a friend of yours how to yo-yo and help him to untangle a knot and while your not focusing on your yo-yo collection behind you an adult grabs your edge beyond and does the only trick he knows how to do… walk the dog…. On tile flooring… Repeatedly….


This is why there should be a special “yo-yo jail”. That guy should be serving 5-10


Hey that sounds like my life :angry:

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Or have his yoyo finger humanely removed so that he can be released into the public without fear of him offending again.


take a yoyo with a stripped thread
Use a string far too short and at least a month old
Play on a very hard surface like a blacktop
Throw the yoyo each time super hard
attempt speed tricks and a 5.5 hook

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Lol “humanely removed”. I agree this is the best option for society at large

  1. give a un experience person a high end yyr with a long string
  2. make sure they are over pavement or blacktop
  3. show them how to do a breakaway

This threat is chaos but i love it😂


Tie your string to the axle of any yoyo.

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Forgot this one:

a) make sure to leave a tangled string tail after doing your last binding and put your yoyo away.
b) few hours later (preferably the next day to ensure you forget that yoyo has a knot), pick that yoyo and do a strong breakaway.

This recipe works better with a heavy throw preferably bi-metal or Titanium.


Extra points if that breakaway is horizontal!
